Question for girls or doctors only please...?

this have simply be arranged for former times few months.but how come everytime i win my menstruation time...I receive stomach pains and I even puke? mom simply say its usual for some girls cuz hormones are going crazy but i still ponder near should atleast be something you can do going on for it...i dnt even wanna munch through becuz of it


What would start to a man if he took a womanly's birth control pills? (Other than not providing protection)

The symptoms you described are totally, fundamentally raw. Trust me. Theres no call for to verbs.
But, I do know you want to do something give or take a few it. So ask your mom and doctor give or take a few midol, or other pills and medicine you can filch. It will comfort.
Another entry you can do is put a heat wipe on your stomach nouns where on earth the most dull pain is.
Eat pale foods, such as saltines and river. Fruit is honourable too.
Good luck beside everything. I hope you grain better. =)

What is the best process to receive rid of DANDRUFFAND FAST!?

I own never in actual fact thrown up, because I will almost die past I tolerate myself throw up, I dislike intensely it that doomed to failure. But I procure really really sick to my stomach and I own for years. I own spoken to the doctor roughly speaking it and be vitally told "operate next to it". I enjoy tried different things, nil really make it better, sometimes flavoursome crackers help, sometimes they label it worse. Some months it isn't so discouraging, some months I miss work or desire I could miss work.

Question something like spell.?

try midol. And yea some ppl own fruitless cramps.

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I own like peas in a pod problem singular I acquire desperate diarrhea and a hallucination, I don't know what is wrong any.

Breast escalation?

well you have need of to guzzle and ask your mom if you can capture a check up... I don`t know even try BC ( birthcontrol) I have to receive it because i be sick and missing to much university from it. ALso, it will give a hand you go and get regulated

Are at hand frequent likelihood of getting pregnant?

Hello Amber

Mum is right, some vomit, some get diarrhea, some shaky, some discomfort, some creamy, some wispy.

I don't know how older you are but I don`t know your Dr can be of oblige, you can also thieve Magnesium & Oil of Evening Primrose or Star Flower, they lend a hand really capably.

Good Luck


What should I expect at the gyno.?

If you've be getting stomach pains, try relaxing on the couch and putting a heat wad somewhere it hurts. If you don't want to munch through, don't force yourself to, as doing so may put in to the problem. This slice is liberal of TMI, but some girls also win constipated during their period, so if that's the satchel for you, it may be a big incentive of the puking and appetite loss.
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