Does starting puberty early prevent fast growth?

I'm 14 immediately and I started my interval when I be 9 years frail.
I'm a small B cup and most of my friends are hitting Cs and I'm still shorter than everyone, I'm 5"4.
What could inflict this?
My clan adjectives have huge boobs, are taller than me, and close to proportionate bodies etc...

Also what can assist grow your pelt faster? I bleach and dye my pelt abundantly...


I've answered this interrogate within detail formerly. Please follow the relation below for an in-depth explanation on human growth:

Will local or nonspecific anesthesia injure a fetus?

i be among the tallest girls surrounded by class since i have my length at the age of 12. i didn't come across to grow much ever since. it stopped. i'm very soon remarkably short among adjectives my friends (5ft).

is yogurt honest for my time of year?

i started when i be 12 and i am still growing (2 inches in 4 months) tallest beside my friends one of twallsest contained by my title so possibly idk
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