My Friend's Daughter Wants To Know (Women Answer Only)......?

My friend's daughter is 12 years infirm and she told her mom that she not long started her time of year. She be sick next to strep throat/or a cold and her mom think that she have diarrhea. Which one is correct? The daughter seem ripened but could it only be diarrhea?


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The solely mode to truely know is to win checked out. Unfortunately, that can be invasive, but doesn't own to be. Another odds is that it could be both. She could of have her time of year & ironically be sick at alike time.

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her mom is surrounded by denial... it be her period

ok and to further explain, I wasn't trying to read out that her term looked approaching diarhea contained by the toilet... *shudders* What I designed be that women produce a hormone that cause them to own a big bowel movement right back they start their time. It be probably the hormonal flux that cause her to "poo" not only just diarhea

btw dictum women solely is a bit sexist don't you regard as?

Why does womens menstural cycle procure screwed up? i spot adjectives the time and once in a blue moon return with length?

it's possible that it be surrounded by reality both. near enjoy be times when i be have my spell that my stomach get upset and the result be diarrhea. it happen like mad more when i be a teen, so it's possible that she experienced both.

Is this REALLY true? It's given up the ghost for me!?

Diarrhea does not look close to a length or discharge so if she have diarrhea should would enjoy certain the difference. Trust me loose stool doesn't look similar to a term or discharge.

girls can u assist me?

it may hold be both in actuality. when a girl get her time the muscles contract around one and the same nouns where on earth the bowles are and the result is the Sh**s plus a time of year... any that or the girls mom be contained by denial... Wait another month and you'll find out.. be prepared and if shes worried more or less her mothers inference.. don't report her and dispose of things privately and secretely

girls merely!?

examine the panties and see where on earth the mess seem to be coming from. while sorting the laundry, I thought my daughter crapped her pant too. I be almost in position to start yell at her for anyone so sluggish and not wipe properly (cuz she honestly is really lazy), when I looked again and realize that it didn't look close to poo. She didn't even realize she started...

i some piece inbred you can purloin for your hormones individual messed up?

How can you not report to the difference between menstruation and diarrhea? One is from the vagina, the other from the anus. Have the girl wear a wipe and see if near is blood on it contained by an hour.

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sounds close to she started her term to me. a 12 y/o is usually antiquated ample to know, but her mother will know for sure within a short term of time. no pun.

I am 10 and i hold profoundly of pubic tresses even more than my friends and i wonderedif anythingwas wrong beside me

12 is an average age to start menstruating, at least possible i thought. It also depends on hum level and adjectives... disappointingly, if she did, it will probably be unusual so it will be impossible to know until it happend again..

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Im sure your friends daughter be right in the region of getting her interval. And her mom newly dosnt want to suggest of her little girl turning into a childlike female.

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? only wate a month and see if it is ? sorry i dont know

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