OK we own had one cross-question on thrush in women but what just about thrust on the tongue?

What causes it and what is the best method of dealing with it. It make it difficult to eat when its on the tongue.

Can anyone donate me an idea of what's going on?

What's the exact?
The yeast Candida albicans is all around us. Most society have some on their skin and it can be found in the mouths of more than partially of us, but it doesn't usually cause any problems.

However, if the immune system is ineffectual or the normal environment of the mouth change (if the healthy microbes are killed, for example, or if too little saliva is produced or the tartness of the mouth changes) then candida yeasts may grow and incentive symptoms.

What are the symptoms?
Oral thrush usually causes white, creamy or washed out raised spots on the surface of the pink membranes in the mouth. These are sometimes described as have a 'cottage-cheese' or 'curd-like' appearance, and can be confused with milk residues on a toddler's tongue after a feed.

The spots can be scraped bad, leaving a tender, red nouns beneath, which may bleed. The spots are usually limited to the mouth but may spread down the throat. They're not usually greatly painful but may interfere beside feeding.

Older children and adults may complain of burning or soreness in the mouth or throat, or at the angles of the jaws. Thrush doesn't usually cause a warmth - if your baby have a fever win medical advice.

Severe thrush may be a sign of an impressive underlying illness but this is uncommon in small babies.

Who's artificial?
Oral thrush is common surrounded by newborn babies but rarely allied to any serious problems. In children and adults, exposure to the factors that buoy the growth of candida may lead to thrush.

These factor include anything that reduces pure resistance, such as general disorder, viral infections, antibiotics (which kill sour the protective bacteria within the mouth) and other medications, including the steroids recurrently used in asthma treatments.

Almost everyone who wear dentures will have candida contained by their mouths but problems only tend to develop when they don't fit properly and violate the delicate membranes contained by the mouth.

What's the treatment?
In most cases, especially in babies, thrush can be diagnosed simply by looking at the spots. In difficult cases a example may be scraped off and sent to the laboratory for analysis.

If in that are predisposing causes (especially surrounded by older children or adults) these should be investigated and treated first.

Otherwise, treatment consists of anti-fungal medicine such as nystatin (which can be given as drops or pastilles) or miconazole.

It's unusual for a breastfeeding baby to develop thrush, but if this happen the mother should use an antifungal cream on her nipples to prevent cross-infection between mother and child.

In bottle-fed babies, the bottle teats should be thrown away and new ones bought because the yeast may get hold of into the teats and cannot be easily eradicated.

Oral thrush usually responds in a flash to these treatments. If it persists, it may be indispensable to check for any underlying illness that could be cause it.

This article was closing medically reviewed by Dr Rob Hicks in July 2006

Very long enduring very neutral period - cross-question?

Damn you for correcting the spelling!!

Does tylenol make you retain round or gain weight??

"Thrush - Topic Overview
What is thrush?

Thrush (oropharyngeal candidiasis, or OPC) is a yeast infection that develops in the mouth and throat and on the tongue.

Thrush is most adjectives in newborn, infants, and older adults, but it can ensue at any age. In healthy newborn and infants, thrush is usually not a serious problem and is easily treated and cured.
What cause thrush?

Thrush occurs when a yeast call candida grows out of control. Candida typically is present in small amounts surrounded by the mouth and on other mucous membranes. However, under dependable circumstances, candida can grow rapidly, cause thrush.

Thrush can be a recurring problem for society who have chronic illnesses or who transport medications that impair the body's fitness to fight infection (weakened immune system). Since these nation have difficulty aggression infections, the fungus that causes thrush can spread throughout the body, cause life-threatening blood or organ infections.
What are the symptoms?

Some babies and young children next to thrush do not have any symptoms. Others will own general symptoms of not idea well, such as acting cranky and not drinking very much. White patch on the tongue or other areas in the mouth are the most explicit symptoms of thrush. These patches may look similar to cottage cheese or milk curds. In infants, thrush is often mistaken for milk or formula. The patch adhere to the tongue and mouth and cannot be smoothly wiped away. However, next to scraping or rubbing (during brushing, for example), the patch may come off. The tissue around and lower than the white patches may be red and raw-looking and may bleed. If thrush become severe, it can extend into the throat, causing affliction and difficulty swallowing.
How is thrush diagnosed?

A visual nouns is usually all that is needed to diagnose thrush. In appendix to looking in your mouth, your doctor will ask you questions around your health.
How is it treated?

Medications that inhibit the growth of fungi (antifungals) are the standard treatment for thrush. These medication are either applied directly to the artificial area (topical) or swallowed (oral)."

Polycystic Ovarian Disease?

go to the doctor...it wants a fungicide to clear up. It is caused by an inequity in the amount of yeast contained by the mouth

4 girls ONLY! gross feminine question?

try have plenty of plain natural yogurt,and stay away from sugary things!!i found brushing the tongue help

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