How do u get PID if your a virgin?

I know someone who have honestly never slept near anyone and she be diagnosed near PID after test, the doc have no clue how she could enjoy get it and call it one of those things. does anyone know how it could own happen?

What is nuvaring?

PID is not necessarily associated near STD.

It is an inflammation of the pelvic cavity which may own be cause by an ascending infection from 1.From contaminated toilet sitting room or 2. Poor hygene 3.Using a cuntaminated hip bath tub 4.using a toilet newspaper within the wrong direction eg from put money on to front.

It usually clears bad near the appropriate antibiotic and /or antiinflammatory medication,

Best of Luck.

what is the motivation of blleding during sex for first time?

kissing a toilet form

Need for a moment guidance?

Let me let somebody know you this, At one time I be diagnosed near epiditimitis, which is an infection in your epidytimis, (by my testicles). Anyway, usually the singular means of access you can catch this infection is by have sexual intercourse. I enjoy never have sex and according to your cross-examine it could develop to a virgin.

I hope Im asking this in the right box, anal sex?

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease can be contracted by simply not treating a pre-existing yeast infection, or by douching while have a yeast infection.

Douching is the #1 mete out of abundant infections because it forces germs into the uterine cavity (though the cervical canal) beside the jetting commotion of the fluid.

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