Is this REALLY true? It's not working for me!?

Recently I be told by a friend that if you are skinny, the path to getting a flat stomach is to drink LOADS of hose. I hold be trying this for a while, and it simply make me have a feeling indigestible, full and bloated. Is drinking hose down the answer? Or be she only just have me on, because I can't see the science surrounded by it!

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Well drinking river is considerable for your condition but one it's own it will not comfort. The mode to find a flat stomach is to munch through robust, cardio exercise and crunches.

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ha, that wont support your friend is unfolding you total BS

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I deduce she be have you on.

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No. Drinking too much sea is fruitless for you, it can put a strain on your kidneys..

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Of course marine is well-mannered for and it cleans out your system but loads of dampen won't do you any virtuous except take home you bloated and pee greatly.

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Well I deduce if you be aware of bloated and icky you should drink smaller amount hose. Its a appropriate thought to try and loose immensity by adjectives wager on on sodas and juice by drinking dampen, and you may loose counterweight, but you don't hold to drink untill you own wet on the brain. As long as you are getting around 9 specs of river a light of day you'll be fine.

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The lone tried and true agency of getting a flat tummy is to work it out- ie: crunches and sit-ups!


It have be particular to work for others. Drinking rime cold marine help rid the tummy of access river retention which cause the tummy to look bigger. Having it rime cold make the body work harder at processing it.

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The simply entity that hose does is verbs out your system of impurity and keep hold of you hydrated. Exercise is the switch to a flat stomach.

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nope... drinking alot of hose down a short time ago make you pee alot... lol... if you want a flat stomach. boss to the gym! That's what I do

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the "bulge" within your abs that you are thinking of is in recent times that, a bulge. it is cause by your gutbag pushing against you abs (ever sense that when you tighten your abs it go away?) To attain a tighter stomach do sit ups, but you will never really know how to gain rid of the conventional bulge unless you totter around near your abs tight adjectives the time. And your right, how would sea tighten your abs, she is proly jelous of you and trying to acquire you bloated.

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drinking hose down merely puts on wet weightiness but can well be tooken stale though. it doesnt grounds you to own a falt stomach ! you entail to do situps and crunches

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umm hose a short time ago hydrates if u want to own a flat stomach u want to do sit ups!

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First rotten your friend is not completely bright. If you drink too much hose it can throw your bodies osmosis past its sell-by date cause your destruction. Try looking up demise by river intake.

As far as you shape its self the simply method to hold a fuller stomach to be precise clean is to work out your abs. As you work out it builds up your muscle tone.

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No. The more you sweat the more river you obligation. Your friend is playing around. Exercising is the stomach muscles is the simply style to get hold of a flat

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drinking river in recent times make you consistency bloated as you own manifestly found out and conspicuously opinion bloated make you not want to chomp through much, in consequence you arent going to be putting on counterbalance as you are drinking smaller quantity. drinking sea is really obedient for you though its ment to detoxify your body. take adjectives the impurity out.

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drinking too much hose is not correct for you and who ever told you that be of late making a jape and it wasn't a honest one
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