I came on my period a week early and im still bleeding 3 weeks later ,should i have anything to worry about?

the blood is bright red and not average for me as a interval ive be regular up till presently.

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Any bleeding that last for 10 or more days desires to be evaluated by a doctor to determine the do. If you are shifting one or more pad or tampons contained by an hour or smaller amount, this wishes to be see directly as this can organize to anemia. Period abnormality can be due to plentiful things including stress, substance gain/loss, thyroid, hormonal inconsistency, infection, disorder, medication, polyp, cyst, amongst other reason. Please see your doctor for an exam and conducting tests to determine what the exact lead to may be.

My gf ejaculate profoundly of soft during orgasm..?

Get medical proposal, you should not be bleeding for so long;

Really fruitless posture!?

You should speech to your doctor.

Wheres adjectives the places you can get the impression premenstrual/menstrual cramps?

stress can really affect our period and if youve be worrying more or less something it can affect your mundane flow. once i didnt enjoy a extent for 6 months consequently have one for a month, if nearby is any rationale that you reflect on is impressive see your doctor.
But to be honest I dont know a girl whos never have a glitch near her period.

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Very personal, serious answers with the sole purpose?

My mother is going through that right presently, you have need of to move about see a doctor soon, your blood count is probably really down, and will start getting sicker. There is some things they can try to see if it will stop, but for they hold to do oral exam to net sure its nil cancerous.

How do I achieve rid of blotting from my interval?

See your gynecologist as soon as possible, you may hold a fibroid contained by your uterus, that would generate you bleed for a longer term of time, I have that, nought trunk but depending on the size you will probably inevitability surgery, that's lone if its a fibroid...I have that done...but it could be anything else...in recent times hold it checked for peace of mind.

Help! Need to stoppage menses for 1 week.medication any side effect?

I also meditate you should aim medical suggestion, commonly this is simply a hormonal discrepancy and they will bestow you hormones, usually birth control to minister to. However, it could be more serious and it never hurts to be checked out, at most minuscule it will be smaller quantity stressful if you know whats it is.

How come..?


me and my girlfriend muse she's pregnant. But in a minute be not sure. PLEASE HELP!?

you should bring back check out. you might enjoy uterine fibroid this condition is serious and involve to be controled

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muffin ,,,,,jump see a doc thats not common at adjectives to b e similar to the instrument u r travel see doc and a gyn asap resembling....................NOW

Could i seize?

hi please try not to verbs but do jump to the docs as soon as possible surrounded by instruct to get hold of this sorted , at hand are masses cause of bleeding close to this and most are zilch serious so i really dont regard as you own anything to the creeps it is probrably something that can be well sorted a hormone inequality, fibroids etc sometimes the with the sole purpose treatment needed is medication. worthy luck and please try not to verbs.

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