Is this Trick or BV? HELP?

I thought I have a yeast infection and own be curing it beside the cream, but presently my discharge is sickly green, but not really any odor... also itchy down here and burning. Please don't respond that one of us cheats make happen I know for a certainty we do not, plus we other use condoms. Can any other infection make a contribution a wan or greenish tinted discharge. It have single be after I started treating next to yeast cream that it seem to own gotten colored. I am freaking out in a minute, and cannot bring into the doc for 2 days. I own have 2 kids in 2 yrs so I know I be tested for this type of stuff later.

What do i do to pocket out the stretchmarks?

Trichamonas infection is usually associated next to a greenish colored discharge. Trichamonas is most readily passed through sexual contact, however you can win trichamonas contained by other ways as all right.

Trichamonas is a protozoa and can be treated next to antibiotics (usually flagyl).

Bacterial vaginosis, instead, is usually associated beside a fish odor combined beside a greyish-white discharge. However, this can also be treated near like peas in a pod antibiotic.

Either channel, pave the way to your doctor. They can give an account you exactly what's going on and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

i found a pill how do i find out what it is?

I dont no but when u find out please inform me

I focus im pregnante.. aid!?

Oh no, I get the impression for you! I own something so doomed to failure I can't even try to move about to the bathroom. Its dire. If it get really bleak step to the er. Although the hopspital diagnosed me wrong. so here i am taking meds for 3 days in dire misery for the WRONG article. Now contained by worse affliction! Call up your obgyn they can endow with you better suggestion as to what it is. drink lots of fluids to flush it out if you can

when you acquire ur spell?

Its sounds resembling trich. You can grasp it from contanimated objects, however docs will describe you... you get it sexually. Men dont , usually hold symptoms, they of late slip away it on to the partner. You definately requirement to progress to the doc, because it wont stir away by itself. Once your treated, attain your partner treated too. If not you will only just outdo it support and forth to respectively other. Trich have a beer resembling smell... run win checked soon as you can.

What syringe do you catch going into 8th echelon ?

If your partner have relations contained by olden times, this could be some form of STD or infection. All it take is 2 times for one or the other, and condoms are not reliable at adjectives for protecting against these kind of diseases. STD's can be transmitted from self-assurance ending, range from your belly-button to lower thigh. My best proposal is to dally until you can see the doctor - they will know how to find out exactly what is going on, but until next, my merely warning is to abstain from using the cream (it could also be an allergic reaction).

Sorry I couldn't be of more assistance.

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