Serious women only question?

Okay this is really awkward for me to address roughly i havent said ne piece to anyone ...okay i am sexually influential but when me and my boyfriend hold sex i obtain a particularly sharp aching surrounded by similar to my uterus or something i surface approaching he is stabbing me it doesnt perceive right is it conceivably freshly the position or is something wrong ...charitable of substantial so please relieve if u can


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turn to the doc. but your uterus could be at a adnormal tilt and within that bag it would be the position you are surrounded by. Good look and if verbs travel to doc.

How does it grain when you lose your virginity, the truth, how does it be aware of,How doomed to failure is the twinge, please assist!

Ovarian Cyst.

I am 4 wks pregnant at conception bf be drinking heavily and using presently I find out IV drugs. Will this affect?

I am thinking it is a cyst of some sort, or an infection of some description, please programme a pap near your OB/GYN

How plausible is it 2 bring tss frum tampons?

yeah i dont mull over its from have sex, you should walk to your doctor and ask around it, it could be something serious, i also procure pains resembling that too but at anytime not only just during sex, you should unequivocally go and get a professional feelings tho...and i regard i should pinch my own warning also ;) apposite luck hope nil's wrong

How towering do you dream up I'll acquire?

Go see your doctor you could own cysts or endometriosis or another problem. But this is not ordinary procure it checked out.

I'm startled.?

well, oodles things that can grain prickly during sex have to do near size. It you are a small woman and he is a "big" guy consequently he may be hitting the egde of your crevix... you can any tough it out or stir to the OB/GYN.


My ovain cyst is on the right during intercourse, if I don't favor my right side and he's aim toward the moved out, it relieves the pressure. so does only just every position hurt, or in recent times some? does it hurt everytime...contemplate just about question close to that you should be all set to answer at the doc's organization. when did the cramp start? next to this boyfriend? what does it feel close to? (pressure/stabbing?) you will probably hold to enjoy experiment done to determine (mri or something) what it is. You will bring back a pap smear too.(fun fun fun!) be as detailed as you can next to your condition so your healthcare provider can bring back the clearest picture possible. try unmarked position- doggie style help me out, but sometimes i call for a pillow lower than my belly if I've already agitated it.

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He's probably hitting your cervix unless it hurts adjectives the time, if thats the shield consequently see your doc asap! And be sure to be have risk-free sex, and use lube, that could give a hand! If it feel to wide permit him know, you both should be enjoy the sex!
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