Blood is very red on period help!?

I did ask a similar ask approaching this a few weeks ago, but things own changed for the worse. The bleeding wouldn't stop for almost 2 months continuously on the pill, so my doctor give me an even greater dose pill. I took this pill for nearly 4 days, and this newly seem to create it worse, so i made the finding to step rotten the pill completely. This be 3 days ago. Since afterwards i hold have extraordinarily immense continous bleeding and it is bright red, the colour that would come out of a cut, it is drastically fear-provoking. My doctor never tell me what is going on, i do plan to go again but i dont expect any answers. Just wondering if anyone have have any similar experiences and might describe me what's stirring.


Is it possible to craft a spell start closer by just about a week ?

First of adjectives....GET A NEW DOCTOR!! If you be bleeding continually on the pill the dr. should own put you on a lower dose or taken you sour it completly! DO NOT GO BACK TO THAT SAME DOCTOR! HE'S A QUACK!

Second, you hold to provide your body time to capture your hormone go together put a bet on to usual. If you are still bleeding unhealthy within a week step to a NEW doctor to go and get a diagnosis.

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see a different doctor----FAST!
and obedient luck

I'm irregular Can I shift subsidise on taking birth control pills after I missed a spell & a distrustful pregnancy examination?


Ladies, what's going on beside me?

Red blood is moral. Brown indicates low progesterone. Sounds close to you entail a different doctor to come upon your requirements - if he/she really isn't answering your question. I am sorry they aren't giving you what you have need of. That's soooo frustrating.

When I get my spell I bled for 2 months straight get put on the pill and afterwards I be fine. He also put me on a key multi-vitamin since I be losing so much in my blood. I hold hear that if the pill doesn't stop the bleeding afterwards the alternative is surgery of some sort.

Good luck...I hope you win it figure out.

I be on the pill from the age of 12-31 and very soon my body can't engender it's own hormones/no babies for us...merely mind your Ps and Qs and thoughtful beside doesn`t matter what you choose and it will effect you after that surrounded by duration. No pressure...right... ha ha... ;)

I hold have this spell for almost a month immediately, I am panicky, what is wrong next to my body?

Im so sorry 2 hear that!! i can relate to what ur goin through. anyway ur condition is probaly Menorrhagia. i hold researched it in the past and other conditions b/c of what i run through. my cycle is also totally long but its switches up from self unhealthy 2 wishy-washy and im roughly 2 budge on the pill 4 it. i sure hope theres a approach 2 ending your troubles!! (and mine 2...) oh and if u dont mind me asking what type of pill did u use. possibly u could email me at [email protected]

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Are you seeing a gynecologist? This is a doctor who specializes in "female" problems. Apparently your doctor doesn't know plenty to know how to answer your question. If you are bleeding "bright red" and you cram 2 pad inside an hour, catch to an emergency room, you are bleeding too much. Bright red way vastly fresh blood. If not contact a gyn doctor, permit them know how much fresh blood you are expelling, and how commonly you involve to adjustment pad. How long you hold be bleeding etc. Let the gyn know nearly what your other docter have done, be specific, this means of access they should know how to backing you.

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You are probably anemic. It finances you are deficent contained by Iron, do NOT walk and give somebody a lift a bunch of iron pills it can build you really sick.
Make another appt. near you doctor and ask him if you can find tested for anemia. I have a best friend that have equal problem you are have.

It also may be possible that you are underwieght, that can also affect your period deeply.

Well I hope you bring in an appt. soon and embezzle this suggestion.
I hope you are better soon. :)

P.S.: click on the cooperation below

How is it posible to ovulate when you don't own a cycle?

I would concur next to the other posters who read out gain another doctor! Personally, I don't trust the high-dose pills. I dream up they're harder on the body and if you've be bleeding for that long, it's patently explanation for concern. I'm glad you come past its sell-by date completely. I contemplate your body is a short time ago saw, "No!" So apt that you're listen to it.

Bright red blood is sometimes a sign of anemia, so please a moment ago procure a blood audition and attain checked for that, esp. after bleeding for so long. You don't want your blood volume down and it might be going down due to the continuous bleeding.

Please lately choose another doctor (go to any women's strength clinic) and speak about that doctor in the region of these problems. You could even give the name a women's vigour center and speak to a nurse up to that time going in to find some possible answers. You other want a doctor who take time to answer your question and confirm your concerns.

Take effort! And gain that checked out!

Im 19 weeks pregnant and for some origin top of my pay for really burn its approaching theres fire on my put a bet on?

I have this come to pass in the region of 4 years ago, It wasn't that i stipulation difficult birth control, I requirement lower dose. Cleared up inside a month

I haven't have my length contained by two months but hpt's adjectives speak glum, should i be worried??

See a different doctor!

Not trying to be gross but I be a short time ago wondering what these symptoms could stingy.?

You entail to procure answers from him/her or move about to another doctor for facilitate. It is wrong that he is not answering your question, especially beside something similar to this.

Tell him if he does not answer your question you WILL see another doctor for another view, consequently spawn an appt near another doctor and receive answers.

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