Ladies, hard and fast or soft and slow?!?


Are cut-throat bumps resembling zits if you pop them will thry ooze?

start out soft and slow and at a perfect step, afterwards slowly speed up and receive harder and rougher..the final and climax stride will be dang implicit unruly....and that is to say the best ever!!

Women sustain please?

soft and slow, nice and easy-going.

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I'm 17 & thinking nearly have sex for the first time near my bf of 9 months, call for proposal though please!?

hard nd slow is the 1 i turn for. at duplicate time!!

Why does the top of your stomach?

Is this more or less softball?

Have be on the combined pill for a month, in a minute own particularly long term?

Man you are a tool!

I muse I've accidentally taken 3 birth control pills at once - should I be worried?

I hope you're not chitchat around what I give attention to you're chitchat around.

Discharge problem???

A TRUE man can endow with it to them both at indistinguishable time.

I HAVE be on depo since dec 20th and i spot everyday and after sex its bright red is something wrong??

Depends on the mood. Some women hold their own nouns. Personally I approaching it when a guy asks me so I can consent to him know how I want it.

Do breast erect increase your accidental of cancer?


I own never have unprotected sex and I looked-for to know?

start out soft and slow and run out rock-hard and promptly

Help! My wife did something really wierd ultimate darkness?!?


natural opening to abort preg?

Soft and brisk.

why do peoples use deoderant?

Begin slow, afterwards harder and harder and harder, until U KNOW!

Can i be pregnant?

If you can't give an account.................

Women near hairloss.any proposal?

You really should ask your girlfriend/ wife/ lover/ doesn`t matter what going on for her preferences.

birth control?

slow and firm

Infection of the cervix?

depending on my mood!

What do guys find most attractive in women's features?

I deduce to be precise a personal nouns on an individual argument. Every woman is different and like things done differently. You have need of to swot up your partner. Together integer out what make respectively of you positive. I individually similar to to start out soft, calm, and benevolent of slow. It is much more romantic and consequently when you grasp into it more, move your butt child! Then swift and frozen is biddable. You entail the combo.

Help me please?

I resembling it rough....

Can stress make happen an irregular spell?

begin near soft and slow and consequently tough and speedy until you squeeze into her.

I merely started my interval and near is not much blood and it comes out surrounded by a dischargish form is this okay?

depends on the mood. Usually start of soft and slow and consequently progressivly harder and faster. : )

i enjoy red bumps In my pubic fleece!?

first soft and slow and later easier said than done and nippy!!!!!

Can a man near a prostate infection, provide me a yeast infection?

Depends on the mood. slow and soft is more of a 'loving' gesticulation, but sometimes girls would to some extent f*ck than put together love.

Skinny & Fat explain how your duration is well beside your drinking customs?

Both! It freshly depends on your mood, time, and situation. Hard and nippy is a great route to relieve stress swift and if you are short in good time, while soft and slow is great for weighty and expressive purposes, if you own profusely of time, and want romance and love. Either method is really appropriate.

Tear surrounded by Vagina PLEASE HELP?

Both in indistinguishable session.

Question nearly Pamprin?

Both - depending on mood, time of hours of daylight etc

What is an anteverted uterus?

The latter.

Lower back&tummy anguish, and backache during sex; pregnant?

depends on how im sentiment but roughly soft n slow and climax beside rugged and hurried. which do you prefer after?

How long is too long to run birth control pills?

foreplay first dont 4get later soft n slow consequently harder an harder till you know .....

What might grounds cloudy urine?

both depends on the mood

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