Contraceptive pill!?

im 15 and have be perscribed the dianette pill as i have poly cystic ovaries(PCOS) so it have to even out the male hormone contained by my body with the feminine one-as a result:regulating periods,breast growth,wieght gain,clear up acne and lessen spike growth..

I started it a week ago so i don't expect to see any reults yet...

but my vanished boob is hurting me at night this related to the pill??

and anyone that have taken this pill.did you gain wieght?(i really want to!)

and did you notice any breast growth?(im a 34AA-will my bust size increase?)

Answers:    I didnt put contained by any weight near mine, i did on the other hand move about up one cup size, which was nice!
if u've a moment ago started the pill it'll take some time for ur body to adjust, esp since u have a hormone imbalance past, so maybe that accounts for the breast backache. if it persists u should describe ur dr
take nurture

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