Trying to get pregant?

Can I gain pregant?
I haven't have a spell since forever......possibly two years. I own be to the gyno but she merely said she could put me on hormon pills if I would resembling and nought looked wrong. So I said no appreciation I scrounging why bother near it if nil is wrong. But beside out a length can I still procure pregant?

metformin???not diabetic nor PCOS tolerant?serve?

You can't obtain pregnant unless you are ovulating. I don't know why you aren't getting you're time but I would suggest going to go and get a second assessment. Something seem to be wrong. You may be ovulating and still not getting your length but I don't know if your uterus would be geared up to support the preganancy-I'm not a doctor . step to another one.

Will the pill aid beside body curls?? Please assistance!?

I don't see no spoil surrounded by it, simply as long as you and your partner hold no STD's, you should be fine.

Weight query?

you really involve to enjoy extent to competent be pregnant. run see a gyno and see if u can procure pregnant ever? if she said yes, next ask her whats the odds? if no, next ure stuck.

causes of a hormone imbalanced?

periods are result of the succulent inside layer surrounded by the uterus that the body sets up to adopt the fertalised egg after it travels out of the fallopian tube...if it does not graft, the body sloughs it sour so that it can start over again in 28 days...hence your spell....
if you aren't have period, next your uterus is not hoping for a fertalised egg to be you may not be ovulating...(that is what starts the unharmed cascade)
i am not an obgyn, but I would suggest seeing a fertility specialist
dutiful luck

Does anyone know the discount code for the Komen NYC Race for the Cure 2007?

Could you offer some more info? Like, are you consumption plenty, do you exercise a total lot, how antiquated you are, are you on any birth control?

Periods can be really erratic for the first several years, as far as
how normally, how long and how starchy.

Some birth control prescriptions stop your length for a while. You should know if you are taking one of them that does.

Exercising a unharmed lot for a long time can stop your term, but I construe you still could acquire pregnant.

If you own something seriously wrong, the gyno should own found it. If she isn't worried, it's any nil to really verbs something like or she isn't fundamentally pious.

If you don't devour satisfactory for too long, aside for messing you up taken as a whole, it can also stop your length. You could probably win pregnant, but you might miscarry or capture more messed up from nutritional deficiency.

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