K im going to the tanning bed for the first time?

i only goin for a while cause im disappearing for florida may 31st which is only a few days after school let out...which means i have no time to receive a good tan formerly i go...and if i dotn get a suntan before i go...im going to cook...

so i entail advice on y 1st trip.im going start next this weekend and i involve to know how long i need to stay in here and all this stuff...i burn easily

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build sure you use a good tanning oil. greased up skin... tans.. dry skin burns. Make sure you maintain your skin very moisterized... even after keep applying lotion. I would progress for about 5 or 6 minutes your first time. If you happen to burn... jump for one minute less next time. Increase the minutes just about once a week add one or two minutes to the length. Go every other day at the most. Don't be in motion everyday. your skin needs at least 48 hours of rest earlier you hit the beds again! Good luck and I hope your tan looks hot for florida!

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The length of time you spend contained by a tanning bed really depends on the bed itself. Be sure to buy some really good lotion too, it really does make a difference, plus they smell amazing. Talk to the populace at the counter, they can recomend the lenght of time that you require to get a good stand tan. Expect for the first 2 weeks to be going to the tanning salon every other day. Most place will start you stale at 8 to 10 minutes. Then you can increase your time by 2 minutes, or if your super fair than only 1 minute.

Also bring some sort of music. Either a CD or an Mp3 player. It make things so much more enjoyable.

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I burn wicked efficiently too :) When I went tanning before my trip to Mexico I started out at approaching 6-7 minutes. That might depend on the strength of the bulbs, so maybe 8 tops. I wouldn't go longer than that your first time. Gradually make a payment to it after a few trips. I'd go 6-8 the first time, then skip a daylight (or 2 if you want) and then do the same time again. Then (again skipping a day) I don`t know go 9. Keep adding bit by bit like that til you get to close to 12 (that was just my place's maximum time allowance---keep adding up til you get to that maximum if they have one. If they don't enjoy one I'd stop at 12 :) ) Hope this helps!!

I dont appreciate here?

First off, I agree when general public say "Don't tan! You'll go and get skin cancer!!" I tan all the time and I hold been for a few years. I'm doing good. You wanna jump often if you want to keep the sunburn for a while. You should start tanning for 6-7 minutes on the easist level a few times then work your mode up to 12-14 minutes. I reccomend tanning every other day or every few days. You'll definetly notice a pretty well brought-up difference from now til the end of may. Have fun on your trip and tanning!! Tanning is vastly relaxing!!

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i burn easy too. they usually tell me to travel for 3-5 minutes the first few times and then add a few minutes after that. the population at the front desk should help you with that. if you're worried roughly speaking getting burned in Florida then find some SPF 50 sunblock and put a coat of that all over you (don't forget ears, cheeks and nose). then you can work down from 50 to similar to 35 so you don't burn.

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bad idea, you will own leather skin when you get older, but anyway...
use a lofty spf, and tanning oil, don't stay in in attendance for more than 15 mins, and also make sure you get a bed that doesn't own brand new bulbs, also take some alcohol spray w/you, so you don't achieve other ppls germs

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CANCER CANCER CANCER. Put that in your head presently, and when you get it in a few years muse back to this day and remember adjectives the people that warned you. I a moment ago can't understand why you would do this to yourself. Soon there will be no sympothy for your charitable because you have all be told. Oh well, good luck to you surrounded by the future...XXOO

I am a 32a surrounded by bras do u chew over i will carry bigger over the summer?

I would start out at ten min, and then move about from there. If you do okay and you don't get red after you could go up to 15 min and stay there for 3 to four times and afterwards go up to 20 and so on .. But the tanning salon staff should totally help you out, mine other have. Have Fun!!

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IIt's best to start with a short extent of time. I would go for only 10 to 12 minutes the first time to see how your body react to it. If you burn easily in the sun, you will burn effortlessly in the tanning bed as well.

I stipulation your assist please?

when you be in motion there they will have you plague out a form, it will ask eye color, skin tone, hair color, if you burn easy etc. consequently it will tell you how long you should go. itll probally be close to 3 min for the fist two times and slowly work up.

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the first time you go make sure you wear the lotion they provide there. and i would only o for 5 conceivably 7 minutes 5 if you burn easy and 7 if you tan straightforward.
then each time you stir up it by a minute.

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Premature babies get the u/v treatment to age their livers and the rest of their bodies. You are going to do that to yourself? The sun is bad satisfactory for you, sheesh!

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I think I did 7 or 8 minutes at first. I was too startled, but it totally worked. I'm really pale, and burn really easily.

I've single gone about 3 times in my existence.

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go in a floor bed and tell the ppl its ur first time and theyll find u a good lotion enjoy fun its not bad wear the goggles..and only progress in up to 15 minutes !

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Well i dont think u should do that Its true that its give u cancer..So i i was u i would get it natrual by on the seaside

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its personal choice
but girl dont do it too consistent it messes you up

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youre going to have cancer

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well it depends if your ashen skinned you will burn easily if your skin is medium you shouldnt lay any more than 10 minutes on your 1st call on! and if your darker skinned and dont burn easily next you could lay longer. but its your 1st time so you will need a base sunburn so you probably just to be safe shouldnt lay but 7 or 8 minutes but im caucasian but im menacing complected and the 1st time i went in 9 months i burned resembling hell my skin felt like leather so really start out near no more than 10 minutes and skip a day and lay 3 or 4 minutes longer and then since you know youll be laying 20 minutes every time! and the tanning bed should cut off on its own after 20 minutes oh and nearby is all kinds of tanning lotion available but the best mode is in a pink bottle and its called pink diamond it have the tingle factor so it will make your skin red for maybe an hour or 2 and it may be itchy and burn but if you use it once your suntan will look like you layed 3 or 4 times! this is the best tanner! dont put it on your face but it will burn but your skin wont be adjectives but your tan will be hott!

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