Doc says my cervix is narrow. what does that exactly mean?

am i more apt to enjoy problems or not etc? she said it is usual but im curious if in attendance are any perk of that or disadvantages.

is faint a sign of pregnancy?

It may niggardly that the hole from the first to the other bits is rigid so intercourse may be rough due the small hole and you may inevitability a c portion if you ever hold a toddler. It may be fixable though by completing activites to strech it.


Why don't you ask the doctor?

Why Havent I Started My Period Yet?

it would probably be harder to attain pregnant than someone beside a more interested cervix. that's the individual piece i can really construe of.

I entail insist on, its driving me mental!?

It funds when you're going to furnish birth its going to be a BIAAAAATCH to outdo babe through birth strait.
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