Breasts have become heavy and sore what does this mean?


Irregular Cycle? Pregnancy?

First sign of pregnancy or it be for me. But also at my age in a minute, and I am OLDDDD, My breast still will win sweet and sore. I did ask my Doc give or take a few this and he said lay rotten the Caffiene. It really worked for me...Luck to ya

Shaving down here?

Could be pregnant find a oral exam.Go to GP

when will i grow?

Could be masses reason including cancer or self pregnant. Maybe U should see a doctor.

Did I Concieve?

pregnancy or too much caffiene or are you going to start your interval soon

I havent get my interval for 8 months and i thought it be my time of year because i be spotting red/brown blood?

There big,oh yeah.

I am 13 and I hold gelatinous brownish rosy discharge, but I enjoy not started my term even so?

This be the most significant sign for me when I be pregnant. Definitely procure a pregnancy exam!

is it ok for girls to catch slim???????

could be your time or you could be pregnant. Maybe they are growing.

problem beside yeast infecton?

Breast pain and bloating can be a sign of pregnancy, but it can also hold other cause. If here is an excess of the hormones progesterone and estrogen for other reason, such as from contraceptives, later that can result in the problem. There can even be nutritional reason, such as excess caffeine, sugar, etc. The symptoms may be typical a short time ago back your time of year, but if they continue beyond your term they are not commonplace. Of course if you miss your term that indicates it could be pregnancy. If you are still getting your period later pregnancy is palpably not the make happen. The best entity to do is to see a doctor and attain to the root of the problem.

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