Does the pill make you put on weight?

I hold put on 2 stone since starting on the pill in the region of a year ago, and I haven't changed be ingestion more or differently than since.

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28lbs is a pretty angelic freight gain, and birth control pills can sometimes contribute to weightiness gain.

Just remember that as you procure elder, your metabolism change. What used to not stick to your frame will immediately attach serious pounds. It may not be the pill at adjectives, or it may be a factor.

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Personally i am not on the pill, but i know some freinds or other girls that are and yes they hold put on somewhat bit of solidity..its okay...its nought out of the tedious..dont verbs

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Sometimes the pill make you put on a tad bit, but not as much as pregnancy does.

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It's a adjectives side effect, yes. Some individuals gain immensity, some don't. I own be on depo-vera for 9 months and haven't gain bulk. I've in actuality lost it, but I be dieting as capably, so that's why I lost. Either instrument, I be one of the lucky ones who didn't gain a pound, but other relations do gain substance.

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Your mass gain would enjoy be sudden, inside 2 months of taking it. It would not be noticable and still taking place almost a year after that.

Period Problems!! HELP!!?

yeah it can spawn you gain for a moment cargo.

Something looks wrong.?

I reason it does


It change your hormones, so it make you get through more. So u do gain more wieght.

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yes it does do counterweight gain..but not by solids...but by's call hose down doctor told me this when i be asking almost birth control alternatives...

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