What is polycystic ovarian disease?

Answers:    Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (abbreviated PCOS or PCO), also known clinically as Stein-Leventhal syndrome, is an endocrine disorder that affects approximately 10% of adjectives women. It occurs amongst adjectives races and nationality, is the most common hormonal disorder among women of reproductive age, and is a primary cause of infertility.[citation needed] The principal features are immensity problems, lack of regular ovulation and/or menstruation, and excessive amounts or effects of androgenic (masculinizing) hormones. The symptoms and severity of the syndrome rise and fall greatly between women. While the causes are unknown, insulin resistance, diabetes and size are all strongly correlated next to PCOS.

Common symptoms of PCOS include
Oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea — irregular, few, or absent menstrual period.
Infertility, generally resulting from chronic anovulation (lack of ovulation).
Hirsutism — excessive and increased body pelt, typically in a mannish pattern affecting frontage, chest and legs.
Dyspareunia — pain during sexual intercourse.
Androgenic alopecia — male-pattern baldness.
Acne, fatty skin, seborrhea.
Acanthosis nigricans — dark patch of skin, tan to misty brown or black, a sign of insulin resistance, which is associated with PCOS.
Acrochordons (skin tags) — tiny flaps of skin.
Prolonged period of PMS-like symptoms (bloating, mood swings, pelvic pain, backaches).
Mild symptoms of hyperandrogenism, such as acne or hyperseborrhea, are frequent contained by adolescent girls and are recurrently associated with irregular menstrual cycles. In most instances, these symptoms are transient and one and only reflect the infantile behaviour of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovary axis during the first years following menarche.

It is important to know that PCOS can present within any age. Many can be diagnosed as young children, some might gone until after menopause. It is vital to find a PCOS well-versed doctor to catch this disorder as tons miss the diagnoses - sometimes for years.

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