I suffer with ibs and im 11 wks preg the chemist and dr wont afford me anything its spasms and pains up the bum?


I had an rash period concluding monthbut now my time of year is late im 17 is it everyday?

They wont give you anything because a muscle relaxant to stop the spasms could receive you miscarry, try ordinary fybogel ginger fibre drink, that should comfort, and watch what you chomp through, cut down on fatty foods, take aways etc, drink plenty of hose down and take a bit of serene excerise, a nice walk or somehting, upright luck!

Anyone out there next to hypothyroidism?

it's not uncommon during pregnancy, basically one of hte many down sides. it's zilch compared to the birth! just suspend in within. X

How can i get rid of strecth grades?

tell your doctor that you need it,i dont know why he wont give it to you though

Yeast contained by women?

whats IBS? congrats by the way...

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If it's that serious, I suggest you research holistic healing. They won't hand over you anything because they've judged that it's not worth the risk of injurious your baby beside the resulting chemicals. Some holistic healing is markedly efficient, and near's a plethora of methods which are designed specifically for pregnant women.
PS: Don't take aspirin. Research suggests that aspirin taken by pregnant or nursing women dramatically raise the risk of Reye's Syndrome in the infant.

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IBS? Sounds like trapped bend to me. My medical book says the best cure is to put Vaseline or soap on your finger and kindly insert it in your anus making space for the wind to escape. Nothing is more far-reaching than your baby's strength and wellbeing so don't bear drugs. Hope this helps.

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Watch your diet. Eat a banana and a cup of yogurt every day. Limit lightly cooked greens and broccoli. Just for now, your veggies should be all right cooked. Set aside some time to walk at a moderate stride every day. Drink plenty of river. Try to keep a log of when your attacks begin and see if they're associated with any fastidious food or drink, then get rid of it.

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PSYLLIUM HUSK with Acidophiles!! it is adjectives natural and you can capture it in any vitamin store.. (I take mine at Vitamin Shoppe).I have IBS and I am lactose intolerant and I enjoy Diviculitis.and I had a great pregnancy because of the pills.I know your cramp! AND MAKE SURE YOU DRINK LOTS OF WATER .very influential ...Linda-LuI also take untaught enzymes to help preserve me more "regular" and that is at duplicate store...feel better and apt luck with your pregnancy!!

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