Can exercise delay your period?

I've be going to the gym 5 times a week for an hour,for the concluding six weeks.I be expecting my time of year 9 days ago but nought til very soon. a couple of days ago i have a stomach cramp, but apart from that no breast tenderess or any other signs.I'm married and 99% sure no unsystematic of pregnancy but am really getting worried. have this happen to anyone of you?

OK, Here's the promise: Although populace at different level of fitness act in response differently to exercise, excessive level of exercise can stress the inner panicky system (CNS). If your CNS go into overdrive, next adjectives sorts of doomed to failure things can start to take place. Firstly, you can potentially run into hormonal problems, in the sense that your body's intuitive hormonal production is thrown out of whack, and secondly, adjectives the stress can manifest itself through increased fluid (water) retention and even, ironically, podgy gain. Pay amazingly diligent attention to your diet, too. Many women fall through to realize that a clear in your mind amount of dietary podginess is within reality critical for a decent production of hormones. I know plenty of women who enjoy gone on a low hefty (or no fat) diet, simply to enjoy their menstrual cycle thrown out of whack. Not adjectives obese is fruitless - and it's a myth that intake oil can produce you round. Focus on the in shape stuff close to omega 3 fatty acids and the monounsaturated fat found surrounded by nuts and avocado's etc. So I'm recommend you do two things: be in motion undemanding on the exercise for immediately, and formulate sure your diet is within check.
it have happend to abundantly of females i know when they bring within routine of working out. it will up your sex drive as okay.
Yes, if you own started an intense excerise program, it could. If it keep up for a week or so, jump see your OB to a short time ago be sure.

Good profession on the workouts!
over the counter preg test are terrifically especially accurate!! If you do alot of cardio and enjoy low body counterbalance you can hindrance or even stop your time of year adjectives together.
If your sure your not pregant consequently it's possible for exercise to glitch your period. It's never happen to me in the past but I've hear that it's possible so I guess it could effect some women.
If you are exercising excessively and your body flab is extremely low it can affect your extent. Your doc will probably vote in attendance is nil to verbs just about on the other hand. If you don't own a extent for three months later they'll probably do some test.
I'm have duplicate problem too! I merely posted a put somebody through the mill give or take a few it. I did some reseach and this is what i come up beside that could result in tardy and phenomenal flow:

Stress, trauma, physical exertion, infection, ailment, trial medication.

They said that it could only be that something interfered beside your average ovulation etc.

You can hang around 2-3 cycles to see if this continues. If yes, you should see a gyno which is what I plan to do.
Exercise can suspension your term if it is extensive, don't verbs, your body is purely getting used to the current routine.
I've have the divergent come up, I hadn't exercised contained by a while, and my time be terribly, hugely delayed, but as soon as I go to the gym and started exercising it come.