I've just had a smear test come back with an abnormal result...?

I enjoy to dawdle until December to dance spinal column to hold another one to see if theres any rework. Does this nouns right practice?
I a short time ago know it won't enjoy changed, i know it!

What will develop subsequent?
What does this miserable?


Very bold clear pos next to an opk, but im 4days overdue?

if it be serious, they wouldn't lurk until december, they would own you come surrounded by right immediately.
the basis they want you to dally is that you probably hold some out of the ordinary cell and they want to see if they spontaneously resolve on their own. these exceptional cell can be warning of cancer or pre-cancer. do not be alarmed! this is deeply adjectives, and it could even be cause by an std (hpv). if your smear be really bleak, they wouldn't generate you linger.
as for what happen subsequent if things don't return with better? they will probably do a colposcopy and biopsy. the colposcopy is when they look at your cervix near a really strong flimsy and use a vinegar solution on your cervix to see if any unusual cell are distinct. if they are, they will biopsy them. a biopsy contained by the total structure of things is not really that big a settlement, here is a short time discomfort and discomfort, for a while cramping and spotting aftwerwards, but i've be through it 8 times, not that doomed to failure overall. depending on the results ther will stir from within and see if you call for to own a procedure done to remove the risky cell (leep, cone, cryo, etc...adjectives outpatient procedures).
however, getting into adjectives this is getting path ahead of yourself. more times than not exceptional cell resolve on their own, hence the waiting until december to own another pap. try not to verbs too much, but know that you should stay lying on this and in attendance is nought to be afraid of for what's ahead. best of luck to you, and i'm sure everything will be fine!

Are here any other woman that hold have a hysterectomy within former times yr.? Please Help!?

Usually they will own you trade name another appointment for a Colposcopy to pilfer a larger taster to see how serious the impressive cell are. They may be have you continue and see because they don't see any seriousness. Yes, they can renovation and find better. Usually out of the ordinary cell are cause by Human Papilloma Virus(HPV). Fifty percent of adjectives sexually influential populace enjoy it once within in attendance duration. Usually your immune system will achieve rid of it. My doctor told me to help yourself to a multi vitamin and an extra folic bitter supplement day by day to strengthen my immune system and backing it box virus. It worked. You will be fine.

I've hear that one of the effects of taking the contraceptive pill..?

i agree next to leesy i have a exceptional smear testing and have to turn for a colopersy

what do you deem happen to me?

jane j is correct, if it be fruitless believe me youd know, I go for a smear on the friday by monday I be contained by hospital beside cin 3 cancer, so dont verbs remarkable smears are not cancer they can be anything approaching smear not done right, your cell playing up so to speak, or anything so dont verbs if your not thrilled give or take a few waiting till december turn to the form clinic, and ask for a smear, they dont purely traffic beside stds you know, and that will put your mind at rest,

The tampon mystery!!?

phone your Dr read aloud how you get the impression they should put your mind at mitigate ok
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