Girls what would you do?

if you be walking down the street and a guy grab your boobs?


I can't own an "0" because?

punch him and KICK HIM IN THE NUTS and next run away and enlighten EVERYONE

Sick or ?

call the police. the guy could be vastly hazardous and could even hurt u unsuccessfully

is it true that ovarian cyst can burst as it grows? this is what a Dr told me .?

Depends on if he be cute..LOL.. no seriously I'd phone call the police and own the perv arrested!! Hope your okay!!

Are some birth controll pills "better" or more affective than others or are they adjectives pretty much made of the

call the police! thats pervertedly wrong and if you EVER do that you could truly return with arrested becuase you have no permision to be squeazing!

Your pad for other reason?

Spray him next to my mase, run ,and phone call the cops

Do women's sex drive summit at a different time next men's Why or why not?

Kick him contained by the ball and report him to the police.

Will Zithromax impose a missed term?

Slap him and give the name the police.

Why cant i for some object acquire a tampon to insert into me? assist!?

i would slaughter the s out of him .. stir 4 the ball !

why do we women bring back term pains and why is it so uncomftable?

Call the cops.
Why do you keep hold of asking equal give somebody the third degree? it is against the guidelines.

How much does the morning after pill cost?

beat the * out of him. see his nuts and run and give the name the police.

i've never get mine?

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