Helppppp.....need advice?

my vergina is exceedingly itchy and its individual on the outside of my vergina.what is this?? why is it so itchy??

What is the youngset age that a womanly have gotten pregnent at?

Could be a yeast infection. Whatever it is try Vagisill Cream - it might minister to.

The Pill??!?

if u shaved it, it could be itching from the coat growing hindmost. or it could be diaper reckless.

HELP! urgent cross-examine going on for the pill, and 7 hours of daylight break?

My vergina would itch too if I know what a vergina be .....GET REAL LOSER...LOL

If your for tangible its probably a yeast infection

During my end time of year I passed drastically colossal blood clots. What could this expect?

Go to the doctor.

I own frequent urination adjectives the time. what does this denote?

What is a "vergina" ??

I'm gonna ASSUME you mingy "Vagina"

You may own an STD, a Yeast infection, a soap allergy, or be allergic to the pad or tampons you are using.

See a doctor.

I want to loose 40 pounds by december of januarry?

It may be fungal or bacterial infection. You should bring back the itching nouns swabbed by an sterilized cotton bubble & that globe be cultured.

I hold never see a full crude childbirth. Where can I find a site that shows the full birth?


I touch sorry for anyone who have GINA as a signature and see's this put somebody through the mill.

I am solitary 5'7" elevated and weigh 140lbsmy maximum bench press is 55lbs..just now i met a girl as strong as me

(scratching my head)

Okay in a minute I am assuming you stingy VAGINA. Let's see you could enjoy a 1.yeast infection shift to the store and procure monistat 7 for external's a topical cream. 2.Hair bumbs jump to the drug store or sally's look for B&C skin tight or Tend Skin, something along those lines. 3. Crabs or lice EEEWWW uumm don't know what that * is call but it is at the drug store. 4. God forbid a STD you have need of to stir to the Doctor. Make sure you know how to speak it since you stride surrounded by near becuase the route you spelled it is going to own them looking at you crazy.

i hold a swollen belly and It is unyielding alot of the time what is it?? Im am upset it might be something serio

It sounds approaching a yeast infection. Do you sense a discharge (may be milky or clumpy)?

Quick query?

It could be a yeast infection. But on a mundane argument women do return with vaginal itch. Go to the drug store and carry vagisil, or something similar. This is for itching. Another thing to do is soak in a hot tub next to epsome salt. This too near gain rid of the itching. If it continues for a long length of time you hold to see the Dr. or gyn. you may hold an infection. An infection can also be cause from a woman accidentaly scratch herself again epsome salt tub get rid of infections. Take effort Heather

painful vagina after sex?

possibly thrush u can receive some cream from the pharmacist call canesten, hose more down below -no soap! cos some woman are prone to thrush and it can aggravate it

if a uterus of a women is removed due to some complications, can she ever become a mother.?

Congratulation, immediately you are at your puberty length! its a pubic hackle start growing! you'll be fine !!

Is it serious?

HEy girl i deem your referring to your vagina right?? in actual fact near's alot of disease that can coz, intching i regard you better shift to the doctor hold a urinalysis so that the doctor will know what gentle of infection he or she will treat.. dont hold antibiotics not unless prescribed by the doctor because theirs a specific antibiotics for spot on disease i hope this one help.. dutiful luck

Inconsistent Gyno test??

You may be allergic to sodium laurel sulphate.... 99% of soaps/shampoos/bathroom products contain it (also sodium laureth sulphate.... or even sodium in general). I have desperate dandruff and really itchy ear canal for a long time until I changed to a sodium free shampoo & conditioner. Haven't itched since unless I use a product next to sodium surrounded by it, surrounded by which armour most "sensitive" areas will bring back itchy - even after merely one use.
The ironic entity is that Head and Shoulders shampoo & conditioner (designed for dandruff sufferers) have sodium contained by it! It provided short possession nouns but not nearly as much nouns as I in a minute own since the adapt!

Are menstrual cycles heritable?

you might enjoy a yeast infection. do you enjoy any tacky white discharge? if so, to be precise probably what it is. it's really mortified and annoying. you should hold a pap assessment done at your doctor's organization.

Will a doctor find out if you have an abortion if you draw from a papsmear?

You may hold a yeast infection. It is severely adjectives. It happen when the unprocessed flora of your vagina go rotten go together. You can bring back some over the counter backing approaching Monostat.
You probably still want to dance to a GYN only to engender sure.
Hope you quality better!

I have average vaginal birth four months ago, I bled for six weeks consequently stopped for a week, I later get my period

I dont know --- clutch a tub

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