The Pill??!?

Its my 1st month using the pill, Ive purely started the unused pills. A few of my friends who hold used the pill, effectively, said it doesn't situation when u filch ur pill as long as u dont skip 1. So Ive be to some extent irresponisible & taken them during speckled hours everyday. I solely took my 1st couple pills at one and the same time. My friends said it wouldnt impose anything b/c I took them on equal daytime, even so what Ive be reading is to enjoy the pill working effectively u have need of to steal the pill at indistinguishable time everyday.

Also Ive read that ur supposed to dawdle 7 days, or at lowest use a 2nd form of birth control when u first start the pill. I wait individual 2 & used no other form of birth control, what are the likelihood of my pills in actuality working effectively w/all that Ive done?

Are the pills going to work for me even though Ive be taking them incorrectly? & IF I happen to enjoy get pregnant while on the pills will my length still start b/c of the green pills?


Please bequeath a video of the frontview of a inbred childbirth?

The green pills are placebos (they're lately sugar pills) as a consequence your length a moment ago won't start because you're on them, it should come to pass though because the pill regulates your period.

You should be taking them at like time everyday, your friends are right.. it'll probably work as long as you embezzle them each day, but you'll hold more of a adjectives of spotting, have irregular period, and getting pregnant. When you first start you own to linger 7 days, that's how long it take for the estrogen and progestin to engender your body infer it's already pregnant and economically.. afterwards you can enjoy sex.

Because you probably took your pill right after you get your time, you own a smaller number randomness of getting pregnant because you probably didn't ovulate on the other hand.. (that happen somewhere within the middle of the 28 days-when not on the pill) But it's entirely possible that you could've gotten pregnant.. my mom used the basal body temperture channel for not getting pregnant (when you monitor which days your fertile/not fertile) and 9 months then she have a child boy. So hopefully you'll attain your term, if, cart a pregnancy testing.

If you can't remember to filch your pill at around the sametime everyday, you should consider another form of birth control because likelihood are you're going to forget sooner or next. You can get hold of the shot.. you bring back it every three months and you won't enjoy your extent. Good luck!

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Yes, when you are on the pill you can still hold your interval even if you are pregnant. You inevitability to lurk a full month since the pill is powerful, and taking the pill at different times respectively daytime make it smaller number important. If you purloin the pill at duplicate time respectively year you own a 99% occasion to not grasp pregnant. Take it at different times and it's around a 90% adjectives of not getting pregnant. You could be pregnant presently. Having sex two days after formation the pill is duplicate as have unprotected sex.

Loestrin 24-3 months and still no time?

the pill is not other important no concern how you purloin them i took mine at 7am every sunshine including weekends and i still get pregnant, i be on the pill for a couple of years too

Im 12 years antediluvian and newly lately iv be really itchy "down below" and iv notice a reckless. What is it?

I took birth control pills for 2 years and I get stale them because I kept forgetting to purloin them next to me when I go to stay w/ my boyfriend or only days surrounded by a row. Anyways to answer your grill technically you are suppose to filch the pill @ like peas in a pod time everyday and not skip a pill.

You are still protected against pregnancy but you are not 98% influential more close to 90%, so here is a soaring accident that beside skipping around close to that you can attain pregnant (nothing is 100% efficient except not have sex). Just so you know:

The pill is one of the most impressive reversible methods of birth control. Of 100 women who use the pill, lone eight will become pregnant during the first year of typical use.* Fewer than one will become pregnant near unfaultable use.**

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