Give me your Openion about breast size and how to stop a milk, any medeinice is available?

Currently my age is 25yrs and i want to know just about b'coz my gone chest is smaller than the right and i would similar to to stop the milk process from my breast please sujjest me any pills urgent starting place.waitn for your reply if someone in position to sustain me out please reply me on urgent starting place.


I am bleeding?

Have you newly have a kid? If you hold not have a babe-in-arms you have need of to step to the doctors urgently. I do not own ample information nearly you to administer you warning. Go to the doctors and discuss this near the doctor.

HELP!Aunt flow have get ta GO.?

breast size can with the sole purpose be changed by surgery....if you are lactating however and option to stop merely communicate your doctor, near are medication that will stop lactation.(milk production)

Is this a problem? Normal?

Most women enjoy breasts that are different sizes and sometimes the size difference is exceptionally clear. It's ordinary and while it may distress you, in that is really not much you can do just about it, so I suggest that you try to relax that verbs. Insofar as milk process ... are you lactating because you own given birth lately? If so, and you want to stop producing milk you will requirement to discontinue nursing your babe-in-arms.

If you are not lactating and you hold a milky discharge from one or both of your breasts, as long as it is looks milky and liquid, I don't infer in that is a problem. If, however, the discharge is tacky and/or green or cream colored, you inevitability to see a physician.

gaining substance?

black walnut from the vigour food store will stop milk production if you are lactating. If you are not, see a doc

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