What kind of surgery is done for cyst contained by the female nouns?


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I have a cyst removed from the "female area" nearly 3 years ago. I went into a surgeon's department and he numbed the area near a needle. Then took a scalpel to my groin. I be awake for it and it was over within about 2 minutes. I guess it depends on how close to the surface it is. Mine be very close and you could see the bump.

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If it's on the outside of the body in that will be no surgery, he will just tender you a local to numb you but if it's internal you will have to be put below. so they can get them out.

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Usually I&D is done (incision and drainage). The doctor will use a local anesthetic and cause a small incision with a scalp contained by order to drain the cyst.

If its an abcess (infection) afterwards antibiotics will also be used.

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There are many different kind of cysts in the womanly reproductive tract; some need no treatment, some are removed via laparoscopy (very small incisions usually at the navel and pubic areas), some can be done vaginally, and others can be drained via the I & D previously mentioned. Most are done in an outpatient surgery center, unless very minor. All tissue is sent to the lab to be view under a microscope to assure in attendance are no abnormalities. Restrictions can include to tub baths/hot tubs or sexual relations for a prescribed term of time. Motrin or another mild analgesic may be prescribed for any discomfort, as well as rime packs to the artificial area. Occasionally an oral antibiotic is prescribed if the fluid drained is not clear.

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