My four year old got into a box of lacitives!!!?

OMG very soon she's pooping close to crazy. she ate liek 6 of them. will she be ok or should i walk to a doctor?

Will i be okay?

you should at leat name a doctor because adjectives that laxative can rationale her to dehidrate because she is loosing hose when crapping. phone up the doctor.

Ive never have cramps this fruitless please give a hand.?

at the amazingly lowest, you call for to ring her pediatrician and see what they read aloud to do...telephone the answering service and enjoy someone page right away.

Hello can you give a hand?

you should bring her to the emergency room!

What does it expect?

Take her to the ER because she ate poison.

What do i do presently ?

You should at smallest call upon your child's doctor to see what they own to read aloud. You may also send for poison control and they can make available you information also.

Is here an ORGANIC deodorant that you would strongly recommend?

she could die! she wants to walk to the doctor. that med. it too strident for a child! it could really mess up here insides and organs, she could also experience sever distress and cramping. that she shouldn't enjoy to dance through.

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