Ladies...I have a problem.. aid??

I'm 18yr old- healthy girl. It can be reasonably embarrasing.. but sometimes when I pee I feel similar to I can't control it. When I have to pee I can't stop.. especially after holding it for a long time. Then even worse sometimes it seem to drip down by leg and onto my clothes. It can be very frustrating... but I don't apprehend why? Anyone have any notion? I've had it for a few months.. could it be some character of infection or something? I'm not sexually active or anything which is why i'm confused. Please comfort!!

Ok my friend just told me to jump get tested for BDP? what is that?

Ok. I'm 21 and I find myself have this problem occasionally as well. Never rather that badly, but nonetheless it is distinctly irritating. First of all, more than feasible you have urinary incontinence. It routine, essentially that you have uncontrollabe leak. There are many treatments available for this, but most of them require a doctor's call round. Oh and if you go research this (which i outstandingly advise you to do) try not to focus on the reality that it is considered an "older entity's problem". A larger percentage of the population than you may think own this problem, most of them are just too chicken to 'fess up and usually in recent times wear a pad 24/7.

One article you can do, without the assistance of a doctor, is something call kegel exercises. Start by identifying your pelvic muscles (in an just what the doctor ordered situation, these are the muscles that hold your urine inside your body unless you relax them). You can do this by attempting to stop your urine from flowing while peeing on the toilet in midstream. It sounds difficult, I know and it is hard to do if your pelvic muscles are thoroughly weak, which it sounds similar to yours are. After you have located them and can effectively stop your urine for a couple of second at a time, do these all light of day long. People cannot tell if you are doing them or not, so it is incredibly easy to do these exercises adjectives the time, in string at the grocery store or bank, waiting for anything really.

Kegel exercises are an ongoing process and you hold to be commited to doing them regularly to see any benefit. Of course, a visit to the doctor to discuss prescription drugs (which are available next to various side effects) is other an option.

This is markedly a personal decision, you own to decide what's best for your body and what you give attention to you should do.

Hopefully, I provided you with some adjectives information. Please google Urinary Incontinence. It will provide you with more information than you'll know what to do next to.

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