I enjoy 5 little bumps on the inside of the lip of my vagina and they itch but not hurt what could they be?
Am i the only small breasted women out near?
Check with your doctor. They could totally well be benign, but unluckily, they could also be genital warts... Warts are extremely contagious and can be spread by the suggest of sexual intercourse as well as simple skin to skin contact. Warts are cause by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), which is usually the culprit when your have an extraordinary pap smear result. You should also be aware that HPV is found in the cancerous cell of most cervical cancers. It is a type of cancer adjectives in younger females, but if you own regular pap tests, impressive cells or precancerous cell should be caught in time to be deal with earlier it's too late.
If they are wart, your doctor or gyno. will treat them locally with any podophyllin or trichloro acetic acid and will probably put you on a 3 month course of Aldara which will heighten your immune response to be sure you don't come down near them again. And please, if it is HPV, tell your sexual partner. Often, males don't show any symptoms but still carry the virus surrounded by their system without even knowing it and specifically mainly how WE expire up getting it!
A body problem, urgent!? For women?
Could be either pimples or cysts, but I would recommend seeing your dr to own it checked out.- HELP ME!! Why is my menstrual cycle less than 17 days each month?
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