I want help, I missed my spell.?

Here are the details:
I'm 21 years old, customarily I'm on a regular cycle, 28-30 days. I am NOT sexually active, I haven't be for a couple years now, so pregnancy is not an substitute. I've never been on birth control, and I'm not taking any medication.

Here's my question. Several months ago (Nov. 2006) I have my period, but missed it until February of 07. I read a few articles, and they said it could be a sign of stress, which be more than likely the impose. I got my extent back on programme for the next couple months when my stress died out. I'm somewhat worried immediately, because my last length was contained by April (2 months ago) and I have not anything stress in my time right now. I also read consignment gain/loss could cause this, but I haven't done any. I'm completely lost right now!

I'm lately wondering if anyone out there have any clue as to what could cause this?

(I'd resembling as much info before seeing my doctor. Thanks!)

Question Re: PMS?

Sometimes it a short time ago happens. Have your doc check your hormone level, they can tell if you own a hormone imbalance or what may be the inflict. Enjoy it, I know it is hard when you want to know what is going on. Your doc may put you on birth control to abet straighten things out, he did with me. Good Luck!

Whats going on?

could be a few things I would look into a cyst or fybroids though

What makes gals have a feeling excited. ? is squirtting a part of orgasm ?

If you own zero occasion of being pregnant, I wouldn't verbs about it. Stress and sturdy exersize can cause you to miss a term, but there are other factor as well.

I be never regular, and often go as much as six months (I worked out a lot) between periods. Cost me a fortune contained by pregnancy tests. Your body can transformation at various times for an assortment of reasons. Don't stress, if you're worried, see your doctor.

Info for wife: fleece thinning and loss on hrt for over 30yrs 2yrs ago went on lower dose of hrt trying to wean?

Honestly I dont know what it could be and I dont mull over anyone on this board can give you a perfect diagnosis. You need to see a doctor.

What couples do when the feminine is in her monthly cycle?

i skip my length from time to time depending on my levels of hum. when one becomes more moving in at hand life it will become more, mundane, to skip periods. so presently what you have to ask yourself is "own i been varying my level of stir?"

Could use some vagina advice!?

Checkout this website www.pdrhealth.com and follow the disease overview links. It have alot of information. Hope it answers some of your questions. Good Luck.

Shoe sizing problem?

Some nation do not have a mundane cycle, once i have missed my interval for six months. it's always be like that for me. but if you own had a regular cycle, I would have it checked out by the Doctors it could be perimenopause which make you have a crazy cycle

When will the pain from this hysterectomy expiration?

Hypothyroidism will also do this along with other things. You inevitability to have a complete physical and some blood work to rule out a medical motivation. Here is a nice little article on it:

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