I'm very nervous...Please help?

Ok long story short...I have an unusual pap smear and doctor desires me to come surrounded by for colposcopy/biopsy contained by few days. I know what could produce an nonstandard pap, but why hold a colposcopy(not colonoscopy), what are they trying to rule out specifically? Cervical cancer? If it be something resembling HPV would they even ask for a colposcopy?

can anybody suggest me some yoga exercises to dwindle my tummy .?

I have a colposcopy when I be 17 because of an out of the ordinary pap. They found 3 places that be cancerous. (after a biopsy) I afterwards have cryotherapy and the spots are gone and I am cancer free.

Okay yeast infection and more stuff?

A colposcopy is to rule out cervical cancer yes.
http://womenshealth.going on for.com/cs/cevical...

Period problem?

RELAX! You will be fine. They are only checking for cancerous tissues and even if they find some, they can capture rid of them and you will be righteous to budge.

It happen to adjectives women at smallest once. Don't sweat it!

Does anyone know of ANY websites similar to iVillage.com, where on earth women can move about and.?

A PAP smear is simply a screening theory test. The colposcopy will a moment ago serve to contribute your doctor/NP a better impression of what might enjoy cause the extraordinary pap smear. If he/she perform a tissue biopsy, he/she can grant you an even more exact answer. It's also key to discuss next to your doctor/NP exactly what is up beside your PAP. I expect, near is a HUGE difference between dysplasia (abnormal cell that if gone alone could *potentially* develop into a cancer ... these don't even other hold to be treated) and cervical cancer. I cannot notify you how habitually patients enjoy be told they enjoy cancer when explicitly not the skin AT ALL. If I be a betting woman (which I sometimes am ... <grin>), I'd articulate that, at most, you will enjoy a dysplasia. However, as someone already said, a short time ago around any abnormality you could enjoy can well be treated. My biggest suggestion for any woman near an irregular PAP is to find a provider you trust and follow-up as he/she recommend. Take trouble --- you will be A-OK, so don't verbs too much! :-)

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