What are stretch marks?


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stretch results r wrinkle occuring in the skin due to the reality theat uve lost some shipment approaching after pregnancy wen the streched out stomach shrinks bak down to sise it cause wrinkles

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When your body increases your skin stretches after when your body decrease contained by size you are gone near stretch results

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when someone is hugely corpulent or be vastly flab and lost counterweight you can see on his or her body white lines these lines are the srtetch results.

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Stretch grades or striae, as they are call contained by dermatology, are a form of scarring on the skin near a silvery white hue. Stretch grades are commonly associated beside pregnancy, flabbiness, bodybuilding, puberty, and intense physical distraction. They result from overstretching of the skin, which disrupts the average production of collagen, cause a blemish. Medical gobbledygook for these kind of markings include striae atrophicae, vergetures, striae cutis distensae, striae gravidarum (in cases where on earth it is cause by pregnancy), lineae atrophicae, striae distensae, linea albicante, or simply striae.

They first appear as healthy-looking or purple lines, but tend to leisurely fade to a lighter color. The artificial areas appear desolate and soft to the touch.

Human skin have three different layer: the epidermis (outer layer), the dermis (middle layer), and the subcutaneous stratum (innermost layer). Stretch grades turn out contained by the dermis, the resilient middle shroud that help the skin retain its shape. Once the dermis have be stretched continuously over time, indisputable parts of it "overstretch", losing adjectives elasticity and cause the connective fibre inside to break. The result is what we know as stretch grades.

Once the body returns to the imaginative unstretched size (after childbirth or immensity loss, for example) stretch grades recurrently become much smaller quantity perceptible.

Stretch results can appear anywhere on the body. They are most possible to appear contained by places where on earth portly is stored, or that enjoy a leaning to stretch. Most adjectives places are the belly (especially in the vicinity the belly-button), breasts, upper arms, underarms, thighs (both inner and outer), hips, and buttocks. They pose no form risk contained by and of themselves, and do not compromise the body's dexterity to function as a rule and repair itself.


They are habitually the result of stretching the skin in pregnancy or significant short possession bulk gain. When this is the incentive it is sometimes call "Striae gravidarum".

Striae can also be cause by exercises. In this overnight case muscle grows faster than your skin and surrounding tissue, thus disappearing stretch grades.

Heavy or long-term corticosteroid use (cream or oral forms) can basis striae formation

It also can be one of oodles signs or symptoms of Cushing's syndrome.

Prevention and cure

Between 75 and 90 per cent of women develop stretch results to some level during pregnancy. The sustained stretching on the belly as a result of pregnancy usually system stretch results may appear during the sixth or seventh month.

There are a range of methods that claim to remove them, including laser treatments, dermabrasion, and topical applications (e.g. cocoa butter)[1], but none guarantees it.

There is no assured method of preventing stretch results, although plentiful believe that using oil or creams within high-risk areas may give support to prevent them by giving the skin more flexibility. Many over the counter products are sold for such use.

There are also copious products sold that claim to fade stretch results after-the-fact. These come across to be best when used on recent stretch grades and may single be declining stretch grades to the point they would fade smoothly, although probably at a faster rate. Laser surgery have be proposed as another treatment to surgery, but is an unlikely method because lasers are unanimously used contained by applications where on earth they break down or remove skin, not repair it. The simply sure method for removing stretch results is a tummy tuck, which removes much of the skin below the belly button where on earth stretch grades frequently ensue.

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the turn out when ur skin stretches suddenly (weight gain, puberty, pregnancy, weight lose). Men and women can obtain them but they are almost impossible to go and get rid of.

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these transpire wen ur skin stretches n later contracts.they can be in motion if u apply olive grease to the artificial nouns

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