Cramps beside hard to digest discharge?
Answers: I can't read aloud for sure, being that I'm a guy, and I've never heard my gf complain of any cramps except spell ones, but all I can say is verbs to keep yourself clean and drink lots of wet (to be sure the lower back pain isn't your kidneys). And also, if the cramps gain that bad, then help yourself to some of the same meds that you take for extent cramps and see if that'll help..
Bacterial Vaginosis is what it sounds like.. I dont want to spam you to extermination on the subject.. so, Ill get right to it.. douching is a bad point.. if you do that stop, it wipes away all the dutiful bacteria and will cause the desperate bacteria to over produce and causes core discharge with the cramping.. it can be cured.. you have to be in motion to the doctor for a prescription... it goes away in give or take a few a week..