Sorry society she ask the question she thought she could not voice it on here?
I have a cystocele and rectocele ..HELP!?
Maybe she is staying in duplicate position too long. She could try switching positions every few minutes with her partner. Also, she should remember to breath and relax.
Additionally, she should communicate next to her partner about how she is sense so he or she can help her wallow in the experience.
I need answers please after pregnancy?
have her close her eyes and relax and consent to it flow.I have a ? more or less tampons?
Go and edit the other press!I answered it very powerfully i think dance check it out!
have her drink Gatorade and get through bananas. a potassium deficiency can create cramping. have her see a doctor if this doesn't add to her symptoms.
u r facing this problem just coz of deficiency of clacium surrounded by ur body, do chk with ur doc and hold some clacium tablets like calcimax forte, calcaria etc..
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