I have a ? just about tampons?

If your a virgin can you use one? Whats the best kind to buy if your a teen? And is it intensely uncomfortable? My mom told me you could not use a tampon if your a virgin because it breaks the hymen, but I don't dream up this is true.

How can I do this?

Yes you can use one when you are a virgin.

Buy the slenderest lightest tampon when you first start out until you are used to it.

It was humiliated at first, but I got used to it.

Before using a tampon lacking your mom's permission, chat to her about it. It IS risk-free, as long as you follow the instructions on the tampon box and know the risks of TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome). Tampons are great to use during physical activity and swimming, so consent to her know that that is one point you want to wear a tampon.

You shouldn't have it surrounded by longer than 6-8 hours (I always metamorphosis mine within 6 hours purely to be safe) and don't wear them when you are not on your period.

Birth Control Question?

No mom is wrong, virgins can use tampons. It take time and practice, but no big deal. Relax and follow instructions.

Girls answer solitary and doctors?

no you would be fine. get the playtex but spawn sure they are the plastic kind they are the best not the carbord quality.

Where can I find?

tampax has a slender tampon that is to say desigend for virgins
it might be uncomfortable at first

Would this be a correct idea?

They breed smaller tampons for first-time users. The website below offers a free starter tackle that they will mail to you.

Yes you can use tampons if you are a virgin. There's no aim why you can't. In my personal opinion, I don't similar to tampons because of a bad experience. When the tampon is inserted inside, you won't know how to feel it.

My Face turns red ALL THE TiME! WHY? iM ONLY 13!! HELP ME PLEASE?!?!?!?

That's a not tell the truth. Tampons will not break your hymen. Just use the absorbency that is best for your flow(they even enjoy special ones for teens, now)...If your tampon is uncomfortable, it technique it isn't in correctly. Take it out and try another. May I suggest for your first time, capture a box that you can experiment with and wear pad as a back up. Once you catch sight of barely any flow on your pad-you've get the hang of it.

Girls Only!?

yess u can be a virgin and use one heck i am!
it can break ur hymen bu it wot exterminate u will it?

its slightly unconfortable the first time and take 2-3 times wearing one to go and get used to it
good luck and they are watertight for swimming

also tampax sport FABULOUS!
cost a little more but they come slim satisfactory that they are pefect for teens! and their shapekeeps u from haveing any leakage

tip also wear a lite sunshine pad when wearing tampon u never kno wat might start

Switching birth control and start of period?

it doesn't break the hymen, not discomfited, go beside regular not super.

1st-if i make oral sex..can i be contiminate by any disease?

Yes, you can use tampons if you're a virgin. I deem Playtex Gentle Glide are the best. No, they are not uncomfortable. Be sure to read the instructions and use them correctly to prevent toxic shock syndrome.

Is it ok ??

As for your hymen, you could own very economically allready broken it riding a bike. Your mom and gyno should have prearranged this. Any short, vigirous activity can break your hymen. And its not adjectives that important anyway. So copious people hold the misconception that it only can break after sex, when something big is inserted there. Tampons own been my best friend since I first get my period at 15. Being a virgin and using tampons be no problem for me. I was alarmed at first but they're so much more conveinent and cleaner! You're not sitting there contained by that nasty bloody wipe getting it all over your skin. There are tampons that are designed for the pubescent body. They are so comfortable. It'll take some time getting use to. If you don't insert it far plenty, it will be very discomfited. Practice makes foolproof. Many times I've been so comfortable, I've forgotten I'm on my term and left it within for more than 8 hours, Which is very harmful. TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome) is associated with tampons so it's best that you other watch the clock. 8 hours max.

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Yes you can use a tampon if you're still a virgin, although it depends between individuals whether they'll get used to it or not. Some find humiliated such as my best friends and never use them, whereas my other friends rely on them - during the summer wearing a bikini & swimming, doing physical activities such as sports, etc. And if you don't want that "wearing a diaper" discern then step for tampons. The most popular one is Pearl, just generate sure you start off near the regular ones or ones for "light" days and not the ones for "heavy" days so that you can get used to them.

Sure it'll be odd and uncomfortable at first but I'm sure you'll cessation up getting used to it. And there's really not several days when exactly you'll get used to them... it adjectives depends on how often you use them.

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honey, at hand is pretty much no way a tampon would break your hymen. your mom is wrong on this one. you would own you use one freaking huge tampon. the hymen is elastic satisfactory to allow you to put a tampon in lacking it tearing, so yes, you can use one if your a virgin.
as to whether its self-conscious, that just depends on the being. the tampon size you use should depend on how heavy your flow is. nearby are charts for that on the side of the boxes. but, say you try a regular and its a short time ago really uncomfortable, you may want to try a pale or a regular-slim.
really tho, tampons are usually way more comfortable than pad are, just since they stamp out those awkward pad-wedgies (lol) and they are a lot smaller quantity messy.
i personally prefer them almost entirely over pad, they are that much more comfortable.
as for getting used to them, pretty much the only cut that you have to get hold of 'used' to is putting them in and taking them out. normally, you dont even quality a tampon when its in. if you do, you may not own put it in correctly.
i suggest practicing putting them in earlier you actually use them, merely so you can get it right. and later use a pad or pantyliner near it the first time you use one incase it didnt go within properly and you leak somewhat.
oh and just a head up, if you do choose to 'practice' putting one in, if you take it out almost forthwith it will be very self-conscious. this is because the tampon is still dry, and so its not sliding out as easily. so dont verbs, if you leave it contained by longer then its easier to verbs out.
good luck!

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Yes you can use them if you're a virgin. You will not break your hymen. If it's in properly, you shouldn't grain a thing from the first time. There should newly be the string hanging out (to remove it.) Buy the features with a rounded top. If your period are heavy within the beginning, don't be afraid to buy the super size. Otherwise you'll overrun. When it slows down, use the slim ones. If you can't figure out how to use them the first time, gain help from a friend, (or your mother.) You can show her this. I'm 53, and wore tampons since I be 14. And the first time I had sex , he broke my hymen. Remember you shouldn't have a feeling the tampon AT ALL. They're the only approach to go! Good luck to you. :)

I have need of help beside my bikini line?

it can break it but more than promising it won't. most hymens stretch enough to permit a tampon by. You may not even have a hymen, some girls are born lacking them and a lot of times they break on their own. Who care about a hymen anyway they are importantly over rated.

I week beforehand my period have pain within ovary area hurt to touch in a minute havin brown discharge 3 day after length why

yea.a virgin can use a tampon.dont worry.your mom might merely be saying that because she doesnt want you to use one?

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Yes you can use a tampon if you are a virgin. It will not break your hymen as your mom said. I would suggest that you use one of the slender tampons. I'm not sure which company make them, Tampax, Kotex, just jump to the tampon aisle and look.

As far as comfort, if the tampon is inserted correctly, you will not feel anything.

This is 4 grls solitary please?

1) I'm a virgin, and I use them when I'm on my period and enjoy to swim or do other active things. I've never have a problem with them, except for the first time I tried to use one... Hey, use some lube...seriously. I approaching KY. I can feel it when it's within, but it should never ever hurt.

2) I've been told that your hymen can scratch if you get it far satisfactory in...but it can also rip when you're doing other things, and even if it does tear, so what?

3) It's YOUR fun hole, honey. Whatever you are more comfortable next to. Your mom can't control what you stick up it...lol.

4) I use tampax pearl for the sole reason that I close to the package. I couldn't wish at the store so I just grab a random pretty box... o.0 They appear to work well. I don't close to the cheap ones, I think they are more humiliated and more likely to ooze.

Hope that helps. :)

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