I hold been sour the pill for 2 weeks and my boyfriend ejaculated surrounded by me 24hrs ago am I pregnant.?
Why don't they put a disclaimer on sex maxim that you have to own an ounce of intelligence to perform the feat.
Ive noticed that girls have sex makes theyre boobs bigger is this true?
you clearly could be. it will take another six weeks formerly you can test for it tho.Just try beside a pregnancy test.
ummmm your a guy, are you asking this for your gf?
No period after first month of pills?
I don't give attention to so... No, definitely not.Possibly! You may want to draw from the morning after pill.
you should not be it take a couple of months for your body to get vertebrae to a normal cycle except more than that. But to be sure you can go to plan fatherliness or any emergency room and get Plan B. Or if you hold any of your pills still left over in recent times take 3.
Help I get a couple questions?
Probably not, however I notably recommend seeing your doctor for a pregnancy test.In your view do you prefer tampons or pads?
My crystal orb is on the blink atm.But you could be as there's a 50/50 fortune. All depends on whether you've ovulated or not You'll have to do a check in a couple of weeks :)It's definitely possible. I've hear things from, it works after one week, to it works after the first month you've been taking them. Best solution would be to turn to a free clinic or your regular doctor to get the morning after pill which you can use up to 3 days after the incident. Good luck.
If you know God you would have never did this.God wishes you to wait untill your married. i close to you. Im not tryin to be mean any. I just caution. Are you going to tell your parents if it happen?
give it about 4 weeks,,,,,,, and u will be capable of take a pregnancy check