How Can I help my husbands (ED). Besides Viagra Etc.. Serious answers single please!?

My husband and I have be married only almost 8 years and he have lupus, it has cause many medical problems(including the ed).I am simply 26 years old and we have a great sex up until 2 years ago and his doctors say he medically capableble to enjoy sex. We have not made love surrounded by 2 years and it is wearing me out. I am a christian and do not believe in alternative methods to satisfy myself. Additionally, he can return with it up (so to speak) but it looses it's hardness after a while. He say he's very attracted to me still but zilch happens. Sorry to be so grafic. please answer seriously I requirement help!

Why did i own to get post natal depression?

Try going to "GNC OR WALGREEN" and purchasing a pill call "HORNY GOAT WEED" have your husband start taking that pill and agree to see what happen. "GOD BLESS"

No wonder closely of blood comes in my underwhere!?

And why no viagra?

Why do i be aware of like this?

Besides prescribed pills, you can consider surgery. No, not to bring in him bigger but for insertables. Inflatable or permanent. Talk to a specialist in the region of it and consider your options.

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there are some untaught remedies without the side effects of pharmaceuticals! you could try various herbal libido products, such as: yohimbe, horny goat weed, tribulus, etc.

you can also call the AANP @ 866-538-2267 and speak near a DR and see if any of these herbs can be taken next to his current medication!


Is it true that d vaginal opening widen a bit aftr havin sex regularly?

Time to visit an online sex toy shop! Stop - I know what you are thinking - that's for kinky folks individual, not a lady similar to me, right? Well, my hubby and I are staunch Christians, and we enjoy a widespread selection of toys! It would oblige him greatly if he could pleasure you with something that would thrill you, and it would probably give him pleasure as in good health! Try it!

I wish you capably!

Ectopic Pregnancy or something else?

Doctor is best source of info. Viagra is THE way to step. You both deserve the sex

Is it normal for your time of year to make you be aware of sick?

Fruits and lots of need vitamin B and C and D to keep hold of the activity going.When you see a men who hold bald head and big guts ..nine out ot ten times you will find a man who has ED by the time he's within his early 40's and that's because adjectives they eat is steak and potatoes and drink beer or rye...Any type of fruit in the berry family circle will help your husband..and also vitamins supplements but i guess next to him having lupus you will hold to watch he doesn't pilfer too much of the wrong vitamin..And also try having sex within the middle of the day when he is at his meeting..people who suffer from lupus sometimes "run out" aim they have no engergy vanished after supper even though they may feel ok..their metabolism have slowed down..And if you husband is taking any kind of medication for strain .make sure you try to hold sex before he take his meds..some medications can impose ED..

Anal sex. Pls help me.?

There are oodles natural ways to amend erection strength. I would not advise taken any drugs or pills. Do really NOT take steroids; they are awfully harmfull for the body and may cause feminizing effects, such as shrinking testicles and other side effects. I would not advocate to take any supplement to gain erection strength, as it may contain ingredients that can be bad for you.

There are 3 possible causes for erectyle dysfunction:
- Hormonal deficiencies
- Emotional stress
- Other, such as ruin to the penis or insufficient blood supply.

When a penis becomes erect, near are hormones in the play. The major hormone for erection strength is testosterone; the penis must receive different testosterone shots to remain erect, the main male steroid. Ask your husband to own his blood checked for hormones (testosterone, etc).

Testosterone can be increased naturally. Increase within testosterone will cause increase in:
-- potency
-- libido
-- self confidence.

Testosterone can be increased intrinsically by practicing the following:
-- Avoid alcohol. It increases estrogen, the mail feminine hormone, in the body and lowers testosterone as a result.
-- Consume adequate vitamins. Certain vitamins such as zinc and magnesium increase the production of testosterone. Don't consume too much either.
-- Practice sports. Bodybuilding is one of the best ways to increase testosterone. Many bodybuilders own more than 50% more testosterone in their vein than average people. Perform several repetitions and take a rest of 30 second to 1 minute. Pick weights that can be lifted 6-10 times. Lift to anticlimax. Be careful, because dependable exercises in their positions should not be lift to failure such as the deadlift, the bench press and the squat. The more intesnse (heavier the weights and the smaller number rest), the more testosterone there will be released into the blood.
-- Avoid overtraining; running miles and cycling fundamentally long distances equal overtraining.
-- Avoid stress. Certain vitamins also decrease stress.
-- Sleep at lowest 7 to 8 hours at night.
-- Avoid ejaculation (of semen) for a while; one who ejaculate frequently will have a lower amount of testosterone (not much) at the long possession.
-- Consume fat, but contained by moderation; do not avoid fats, some are fighting fit and also cause an increase in testosterone. Pick EFA's (Essential Fatty Acids); they also tilt testosterone. They consist of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids and must be taken in a positive proportion. Discuss the correct proportions with your doctor and cart an EFA supplement.

Erectyle Dysfunction may also be caused by electric or psychological stress. This can be tested during one's dreams. If one gains erections while asleep or ejaculate during dreams, but cannot gain an erection during the day, after he may be suffering from emotional stress. This can be tested by putting an expandible ring, some generous of string (which can easily be loosened), or another safe object round the penis. If one gain an erection, he will become awake. In this case I would see a psychiatrist or psychologist.

When one is still markedly aroused, but fails to gain an erection, in attendance may be a leak somewhere that cause insufficient blood supply to penis. In this case I push for to go to a see an urologist. He or she will achieve tests.

I mull over it is most likely a not as much as of hormones or emotional stress. A venous percolate is less adjectives. Hopefully this aids.

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