My doctor found a lump...?

in my breast. I had a mammogram and ultrasound. They vote it's just a cyst. He tried to drain it today and the little bit of soft came out be black. Anyone else have this develop? Thanks.

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Ultrasounds are pretty darn accurate when it comes to diagnosing a lump as a cyst. It is tricky to confuse a cyst near any other process when you image it near ultrasound. Cysts will come and go throughout most women's lives. Cysts are not cancer (they are fluid jam-packed sacs), they do not become cancer and other than them scare the crap out of us women, they are harmless. They can inflict pain though, due to pressure. I would guess that the shadowy color of the fluid is due to some bleeding within the cyst.that happen. More than likely, your doctor is sending the fluid to pathology to hold it tested. Interestingly enough, even next to drained there is a elevated percentage of cysts which return in impossible to tell apart exact place!

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Yes, I was roughly 42 when I got my first cyst. I thought I have cancer it was fear-provoking. Cysts almost never become malignant.

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Yes, I had that happen and I was terrified out of my pants.

I be extremtly afraid where I've have two aunts who died from breast cancer so I was panic.

I was relieved when the nurse said that it be just a cyst and they usually stir away on there own.

A cyst is a juice ball. once it punctured it will walk away.

Once I had it done I never get them back.

If your must is big close to mine or you've breast fed it does occur.. most times 95% of the time.

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My friend have the same item when she was 16. The doc drained it and presently everything is ok.

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