Hysterectomy at 27.?
When will my 3rd interval come?
It's your own personal nouns for a hysterectomy. your doctor is probably being over cautious, as it's most important surgery.Have you asked for any help on making your periods smaller number painful / horrendous?
I asked my doc this, and they suggested having a coil fitted. I own the mirena coil - which is a hormone one. My periods have stopped completely - i hold a small bleed whenever i fly - which is 2 days a year. I don't get any of the bad stomach cramps i used to go and get, and they last for 5 years.
Go talk to your doctor nearly getting one fitted.
Do i involve to hold my girl friend hope a gyno?
Find a ob/gyn and explain to him what you have told us and tell him thats what you wanttravel to your health dept..or where you can win free condoms and female checkups...etc..at.make an appt.consent to them do their thing with you and explain to them that you call for to be on something to control your mood swings as well as the pain you suffer from your period.when i was younger i was bent over surrounded by severe pain when mine came around,next my mother finally took me to a doc and she told me i have dismenorhea,not sure if spelled right...but it suited my symptoms and was put on birth control and 4 weeks following i didn't have no mood swings nor pain and wasn't throwing up.
and for the formation of what you said..."i am 27 yr old gay women...the better way to enunciate this is..."I'm a 27 yr old lesbian OK.." as for the hysterectomy,no doc is going to perform that on a personality unless they have severe enough womanly problems like endometriosis,cervical cancer...etc...here in the u.s that's the requirements on that.
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