Weird question but a short time ago curious...?

k first off.. im NOT have sex... im NOT pregnant or trying to be... im just wondering lol...

utter youre supposed to get ur interval in approaching... the next couple days to a week... and you hold sex... if you get pregnant from that, will you still achieve your period or is it soon plenty for that one to skip? ..yeah i dont even know if that made sense but everyone i asked didnt know or they didnt know what i was discussion about... and any more thing... if youre pregnant, do you skip adjectives youre periods or of late the first one?

sorry if it was a unexpected question... again.. im in recent times 16 so obviously im not even thinking more or less kids yet... my mom never talk to me about this stuff and it wouldnt be a really comfortable setting anyway.. we dont get hold of along great lol. so yeah.. just wondering.

My menstrual cycle go from 5 days to 7 and sometimes it lasts even longer, is this everyday?

Some women have a lantern period the first month of their pregnancy, but after that, no more period.
The reason women enjoy periods is because the facing in the uterus sheds and bleeds bad every 28 days.
If you get pregnant, the pool liner stays because there's a fertilized egg near and then you wouldn't own any periods for nine months because your body won't "make" another bin liner if there's one already contained by place.
There's more to it than that, but I doubt you want the whole story.

But if you get pregnant right before your planned period, you most plausible wouldn't have your length.

Hi, i have intercourse few months vertebrae.?

No. Well I Don't Think So.

I have a friend that presume she maybe pregnant but she smoke alot and won't stop know thing what?

Some women don't always skip their period when they are pregnant.

Period help! [women lone please]?

Well, I had 2 small period the first 2 months I was Prego.
But they be small and very frothy.

I have an IUD and own light cramping,flimsy bleeding between periods is this conventional?

you will actually get hold of a period that month, possibly light, after the next month you may stop. some women dont stop their period but most i know have.

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