My friend doesn't win her period usually but like every 40 days I'm worried going on for her. What can be wrong?

Yea she only get her period resembling every 40-50 days. She also says she's other nausiated and just sick. She's other been resembling this. I just want to back her and get some answers. Can anyone assistance me help her?

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Stress can do that to her, along with over exercising, desperate eating conduct, lack contained by sleep or whatever. I would suggest that she go to her OB/GYN and talk to them more or less her problems. Maybe they can put her on meds to help variety her more regular. I know birth control pills help things come together right

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tell her to go to the obgyn---she prolly have hormonal issues that is pretty comon

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She requirements to see a doctor. Some women get their spell less frequently and nil is really wrong, like me. It's not something for laypeople to diagnose over the internet though.

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Some women DO singular menstruate every 40 days. The only time it is a problem is when it is IRREGULAR. Irregular period are normally not serious, but related to poor diet, stress or bug. If she is eating extremely healthy next you should be looking at something else. Something is making her sick, and it is not unlikely that whatever is cause her nausea is also causing her irregular extent.
If she's doing everything else right health and diet-wise, I'd walk see a doctor.

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It could be her normal...although strange cycle.

There are factor that effect a womans cycles. If she has a enormously poor diet, her periods can stop adjectives together. It could be other factors that are influencing her body, range from overall health to drug use(prescribed or not). Some women are cursed near worse periods than other women. To be on the locked side she should see her GYN so that she knows adjectives is well. Nothing worse than adding together worry to an already discouraging time.

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Okay...if this is her NORMAL cycle she could be okay. However I would travel have it checked near an OB/GYN. This sounds like it could be a hormonal problem. It also depends on her age too, as we age the duration between cycles increases. She should definetely construct an appointment with her OB/GYN any way to discuss the issue though.

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the first piece she should do is to go to her doctor. engineer sure she isn`t pregnant or anything. my best friend has one and the same problem except her`s is worse, her period does not come for at least possible 3 months...

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It can be anything from stress, overexercising to hormonal issues. Possibly even vaginal cysts (which are slightly common) or PCOS (polycystic Ovary syndrome) She needs to run see an OBGYN, get a pap done and possibly an ultrasound, depending on what pap reveals. It's not " normal"

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I enjoy a 42 day cycle. I enjoy been close to this since I was a juvenile. The only time I ever get it every 28 days was when I be pregnant lol! Some folks are just different. If she have been to her obgyn, after don't sweat it, just consider her lucky, unless she is trying to conceive. I do appropriate an exceptionally long time to get pregnant. It took 2.5 years next to my first pregnancy, and 17 months with my second. My third took 1 month, but that be just because I have just have a miscarriage, and still had adjectives the funky hormones in my system. If she have not been to an ob/gyn, the suggest firmly that she progress, just to be sheltered. I am nauseous contained by the mornings if I get up impulsive, or when I have simply had a few hours sleep. I hold had this my total life, you may not know how to fix her, just permit her know you are there if she wants help, and live and tolerate live.

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First off she should see a Doctor. I intuitively suffer from almost the same article. Mine is every 38-43 days. I have PCOS, but I own always have my period within increments like that. I've be told that I'm fine, its just a hormonal inequity nothing serious. She may suffer from duplicate. here's a site that may give some more info give or take a few it so in bag she'll want to pre self diagnose

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