My menstrual cycle go from 5 days to 7 and sometimes it lasts even longer, is this middle-of-the-road?

This started happening after I have an allergic reaction to some pills and I went to the doctor and they prescribed me Prednisone (steroid) to oblige clear the reaction. During the time I took this, I be on my period (the doctor knew). My menstrual cycle didn't stop for a accurate 13 days. Now, my menstrual cycle hasn't been like ever since then. What should I do? Or is in attendance anything that I can do?

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Ok, first of adjectives, whoever that person be that said you could try going on birth control needs to know that birth control can't other fix those type of female problems. If you are positvely sure that this happen AFTER the allergic reaction, next I suggest you should go hindmost to the doctor and DEMAND that they take a look and run some test. Nobody wants to enjoy a doctor looking up there, but it's better to be sheltered than sorry. Good Luck and I hope everything goes economically for you.

Does anyone no a expensive fertility clinic-located anywhere?

you can try going on birth Controll, that can shorten it. But to tell you the truth near is nothing wrong next to a long one

Period problem.?

Hon, I can offer you is, doctors "practice " tablets. Anything negative that happen is a lesson for them. Get back to details. Drink a gallon of water a morning, make intact grains, fresh fruits and veggies the bulk of your food intake, replace meat, dairy and eggs with soy protein, cut out sugars (except fresh fruits), give somebody a lift vitamin and mineral supplements (emphasis on minerals) and get plenty of excises ( walking, running, dance, swimming, sports, etc.)
Your cycle will scale down profoundly and you'll look and feel great.
I hope that help you.
Good luck!

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