Circumcision and UTIs?

do you think my bf not one circumsized could be leading to the constant UTIs i own been have? i drink so much water and cranberry liquid i do everything my doc tells me and i still go and get them once a month or more. sometimes weekly

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It could be because he carries extra germs. Make sure that you are finishing all of your antibiotic and getting your checkup uti-free until that time you have sex though, if not you will never get rid of them.

Please please please HELP!?

this could relief you

If i had sex and used a condom is it possible for it to rip apart during sex?

Could be, circumcisions are done in turn to prevent these types of problems.

Tanning help?

non circumcised men do fetch more bacteria surrounded by the folds of the penis so this could be causing the UTIs but it could also be that you are not finishing the medication or are getting too low a dose and the UTIs are not fully going away

Why is it that?

no, my bf is not circumsized and ive never get one the 6 years weve been together. but if i be you i would try condoms every time you have sex for a month or two and see if you carry them of not. i know condoms are a big turn off and i intuitively hate them, but you could find the answer this bearing.

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no, it's your habits that are more imagined the cause.
you want to get up and urinate IMMEDIATELY after intercourse to flush the nouns of bacteria. You requirement to wipe front to back every time.
And if you indulge in oral sex, he requests to use mouthwash before mitt.

I have no reason!?

Make sure that your BF is washing AND rinsing sour his foreskin when he showers. If there is any soap residue not here underneath the foreskin, it could lead to microbes which could possibly react near you. It all depends how verbs he keeps himself but it could also not be the source of your UTI.

Also, circumcisions are not done to prevent UTI's or any other disease or infection. It is done to unneccesarily mutilate little tot boys due to a common misconception.

I'm a college student, and i obligation money. i'm thinking about donating my eggs.?

That could be cause the problem but Im not sure thow thats something you need to ask a doctor give or take a few. I have have cronic utis my whole time for no reason at adjectives so it could just be you too conceivably talk near the doctor about that thow.

Period persistent one day?

i have constant uti's and it wasn't anyones fault not even mine..

i concluded up seeing a eurologist for it.

this is what cured meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and i want to kiss the doc so i will pass on my lovely info to you.

your bladder have this clear lining surrounded by it, and with respectively infection, the lining go away a little so any and adjectives bacteria that enter the bladder it sticks to your bladder walls and yep, another infection! YAY lucky YOU..

well, the push button is, to not get another infection for at lowest a good month, so that facing can grow back and argument off any more microbes that enters the bladder adjectives day long! we adjectives have it.

SO I took cranberry PILLS at dark before bed. and surrounded by the morning. the key is to hold the cranberry PILLS not juice (sugar breeeeeeds infection due to the sugar) , so the pills keep hold of your urine acidic so no germs can stick to the walls of your bladder.

shower after sex. RELIGIOUSLY and take a pill after sex. NEVER MISS THIS.

pee up to that time and AFTER sex..

do this and you will be infection free. you should take acidophilis while on antibiotic becuase after you get itchy and receive yeast which then can wreak a uti. its a sick cycle so break the cycle and you will be ok.

they suck! i had an infection constantly for 2 years, broke the cycle and be infection freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee with no dull pain or burning or lower stomach acheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee for 1 1/2 years. GOT AN INFECTION a month ago and thought GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR but it was ok! i did what i told you after taking the antibiotic and during too, and i hold been okkkkk knock on wood. suitable luck!

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Have you asked your doctor in the order of it? My bf has not be circumsized either and my doctor told me to be precise the reason why I have yeast infection and that I would probably keep getting it spinal column if we didn't clean ourselves up in good health enough. Well, we've other been pretty verbs people, but we tried a bit harder this time after seeing the doctor and getting me cured so we've ONLY been have intercourse right after we take our showers and still, the later two times were the worst ever. The burning and itching opinion is horrible and I've been tested for STD's, he have too, it's not's just the stupid yeast infection that keep coming back, or at tiniest, that's what the doctor told me, so I am not sure if I want to believe my doctor, I might want to go spinal column with my prehistoric doctor because even when we don't have sex at adjectives I still get the itching and burning sometimes especially when I progress to the bathroom. Anyway, I would advise you to ask your doctor if it is that and why doesn't it travel away?
I am changing doctors and if I enjoy a better answer I will see if I could let you know. Good luck.

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It's a definite possibility. The individual way to engender sure or rule him out is to culture the UTI then culture him and see if the germs is the same. Either mode, he needs to grasp with the program and swot to clean himself properly.

Try using a condom for a while, subsequent time you're cleared up. If it works, you found your smoking... uh... gun.

Period question?

nope its not him. its you. you hold poor hygiene!

What is menopause?

You might try using protective barriers to prevent bacterial spread. And it might be a apt idea for both of you to walk through a round of antibiotics at the same time so zilch spread back and forth.

What do you assume i will have to lift?

All this he is "uncircumcised" he must be dirty is B.S. If a guy skins it back for five second in the shower (how Fing complex is that?) it is cleaner than any place he will ever stick it. Those wet folds you gals hold are a hell of a lot harder to verbs up than a natural guys cast-offs.

Your problem is a residual infection in your bladder, (very common within females) it will take some serious antibiotic treatment to eradicate it.

Besides, is his "filthy" foreskin entering your urethra? If the foreskin be at fault you would be developing vaginitis not a UTI.

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