Is something wrong when I enjoy these symptoms?

-Having trouble breathing
-Feel like I stipulation to get away from the world
-Feel close to I'm going crazy
-Can't control my crying(over emotional for no reason)

The finishing 1-2 weeks I've felt this bearing. Is there something wrong next to me or is this just usual stuff? For example, today I was fine laughing have fun. About 30 minutes ago, I just feel all these symptoms and I couldn't control myself.



I wanna know one thing?

It could be anxiety and depression. You requirement to get a proper diagnosis from a doctor but that's what it sounds resembling to me. Sometimes when you are depressed your troubles appear too much and you can have anxiety attacks which would commentary for the trouble breathing and feeling of going crazy.

Please don't be panicky about conversation to someone about your problems. Many, several people suffer indistinguishable kinds of things you are going through and your doctor can serve find a course of treatment that suits you and your needs. Drugs aren't for everyone.

Does anyone know a honourable safe detox program that you can do while breastfeeding?

you own depression. i am a psychiatrist. go to a doctor he will prescribe you something that will abet your condition.

A question around yaz?

if you just turn on the tube and watch lambchop sing later everything bad will progress away.

Please i have prom saturday i necessitate help and answers?

Could be a restless break down. You should see your doctor.

What is the best way to do female ejaculation, can it be achieve without G-Spot stimulation.?

go to the doctore

How long will it hold for you to stop bleeding after you lost ur virginity?

I think its depression or something else that have to do with your mind
dance see a therapist
you want help right away

Brown Discharge?

Sounds similar to a panic attack. Go see your doctor, within are
meds that can help. Or you can try meditation or yoga...
The trouble beside panic attacks is that sometimes once they
start coming, they attain worse and more frequent. Some
people wrapping up up hiding in their own homes because new
or strange things set them off, so getting professional help
can kind a difference.
Sometimes you just enjoy one or two, if you are under
unusual stress, and then when your time goes put a bet on to
normal, they turn away. But there is not a soul answer to
your problem...that's why I stress...SEE A DOCTOR.

Wierd Ovary trouble?

Youre having frenzy attacks.

What is a healthy blood pressure reading for a woman aged between 20-35?

thats depression, you be also experiencing an anxiety attach. you need to move about see your doctor now. this have to be controled. and it can so dont be scared

What are pious extercies to lose weight?

sounds close to anxiety. definately something a doctor could help you next to.

ps. don't believe anyone who diagnoses without seeing you.. thats one of tons ways to tell a legitimate doctor from some kid with a medical book ;)

Sex toys?

go to a doc and return with yourself 6 months of happy pills (prozac) it should do you apt. OR it could be first signs of schizoid or schizphrenia

Huge period verbs?

Those are called "anxiety attacks"...and they are QUITE regular.but you need to see a form care professional FAST. There are medication for this, which will stabilize you; I hope you're not adverse to taking the meds...bcz they will help! & NOT PROZAC! (Went out beside the 1990s) are definitely have anxiety attacks and they are NOT fun. Please try to remember this: Just try to deal near it this way: put ONE FOOT AHEAD OF THE OTHER...until the anxiety go away.
I hope you have idea in something! because that will help out you get through it too!
Blessings on you!

Does anyone ever bring heart arythmia?

Yes, you forget the God and you forget that one day you will return to the God. Don't feel too much of the life, the enthusiasm is full of problems, if u just look to them, you will achieve depression as u have it immediately. Your condition is typical for a case of depression and i am sure that u capture difficulty in sleeping and your appetite is deteriorated surely, i approaching you and i want to help u. Please, forget ur problems and prepare something to the morning at which no money and no one will formulate benifit to you except your good things. Try to approaching every one surrounding u and tell them that you approaching them and try to lough every day at lowest possible once to someone and try to make someone to lough every light of day and try to help someone every light of day and make him optimistic.

Is it normaly if u start ur period thenu dont win it again?

You could have clinical depression or anxiety, but you can not be diagnosed here. Please don't clutch any diagnosis that someone here gives as the unqualified truth because it is only a guess. You call for to be screened by a unadulterated doctor (your family doctor will do). Your call in will be completely confidential so don't worry. Telling someone is the first step. You may requirement drugs, and you may not. Don't panic on the other hand. Good luck.

Chest pain..women singular.?

go to the doctor right away

What are the pro's and cons of being put on birth control?

How outmoded are you,could be many things, nonspecific stress,hyperventilation or minor panic-attack/anxiety disorder, depression etc.Do u got attacks or do u FEEL constantly close to crying,crazy etc if its more a constant,nagging feeling it might be origin of a depression...if you are still young could be puberty,period/hormones-stuff. u are elder than 22 would see a doctor.MEANWHILE try simple exercises for breathing,stretching and read books about it.goodluck

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