A question roughly speaking yaz?

I have be on yaz for a month and i really do like it!! I enjoy been enjoy on side effect i go to the bathroom more or less 20 times a day!! Has anyone ever experience this while on yaz. Also does it really form you lose weight?

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one of the hormones is certainly like a diuretic (which make you pee alot) IF it does
make you lose mass then its adjectives water consignment since you are going to the bathroom more

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Have you be drinking more water since you've be on Yaz? I don't recall Yaz cause any urinary problems with me.

It did however hand over me daily migraine headache. It's important to confer to your doctors about any side effects that are disrupting your existence.

As for losing weight, unequivocally not. It made my PMS better, but I couldn't function because of the headaches.

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No I'm on Yaz, but I haven't had to pee more and I hold definitely NOT lost immensity. It does really help beside my cramps and moodiness though. That's good satisfactory for me! :-)

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