What can i do?

im almost 14 and i hold be on my time of year for almost 4 years very soon and ever since i be 12 cramps started to procure worse and i get headachs and really impossible backache when i am on my time everytime i am on it i cant sleep because of the misery i cant lay down on the bed because of my backache and i cry because of it and my headache backache and cramps return with worse but when i cry and screech at darkness because of the twinge i preserve everyone surrounded by the house up and im tired of it what can i do to stop it i just find approaching 3-4 hours of sleep
i do sleep next to heat pad and i do bring midol for it but nought works

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You "scream" beside stomach-ache. And you haven't see your doctor more or less the affliction, but you will hold on to everyone surrounded by the house up. Weird.

Don't use a heat wad. It speeds up the flow of blood and that can increase your twinge. There are herbal remedies as capably as prescription stomach-ache medication for menstrual aching. Your doctor may reccommend a mild birth control pill. But you hold to see your doctor, or travel to a clinic for oblige.

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Sounds similar to you should see a doc around that twinge. A bit of cramp and discomfort is usual, but you shouldn't be writhing suffering every time you procure your extent. There are medicine that you can appropriate to muffle the severity of you time and cramps, the doctor may even put you on birth control to catch them below control. Either process, it would be best to see a doctor and tolerate them know what's going on.

Hope this help and touch better soon! :-)
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