Feminine give somebody the third degree. Side effect or issue of concern?

My period finishing month consisted of little bleeding but mostly of dried blood. It lasted a while longer than my commonplace period too. I basically started my period again this month and it too is consisting of almost no bleeding but largely of dried blood.

I've been fundamentally stressed recently (as I be last time) and aobut a week until that time my period I be having trouble ingestion. This has passed but a coworker of mine siggested the trouble ingestion was a side effect of stress. Could my length problem be a side effect of severe stress as well or is it commonplace next to a more serious issue?

Will i always be beneath weight?

it is extremely likely a moment ago a side effect of the stress you were below, I wouldn't worry in the order of it.

Cesar operation ? would those with experience contained by this help?

You should definately see a doctor. One month is one point but two in a row could be significant.

Medicines dont work..i dont bring my periods even after taking pills.what can i do?

If you really want to know you will go see your gyno and not ask a bunch of yahoos

Im 17 and i own had lower rear legs pain in a minute for almost a year anyone know what it could be?

it could be side effect

I'm not trying to be gross, but I do need some relieve.?

Absolutely.stress affects your menstrual cycle in copious ways. Little or heavy flows can be triggered by stress. I don't believe you have anything to verbs about. Just concentrate on trying to relax more and munch through foods that are good for you.

Is my body type conventional?

there are many issues associated to this. Endometriosis give out clots during menstration too. Check out with your gynae, who can do a proper assessment on you.

Ovarian cyst~ upset?

It is probably just stress. Talk to your doctor if you are apprehensive.

Girls only please answer impose i really need aid?

A womans body is really temperamental, a term can change depending on a great deal of things, eating, stress, etc...

What you call for to use to figure this out is a few things, are you sexual helpful? Did you have sex until that time this? Have you been Sick lately... deeply can figure this...

Personally its just been 2 times, i wouldn't verbs too much, it just sounds resembling spotting... however if you were have a lot of cramping and other discomfort and discomfort while it happened, I'd deff. run see a docter...

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