What is the middle-of-the-road frequency of intercourse for a married couple?

i am working on hyper sexuality but i need to outline first normal sexual behavior

Answers:    What! There is relations who only enjoy sex 2-3 times a week? Me and my man have be together for 10 years and have done it at most minuscule once a day since we enjoy been together. Lately though it have been twice. Have you be diagnosed by an actual doctor for hypersexuality?? Or is your partner just feed up with adjectives the sex so they are trying to label you. Often times hypersexuality is a sign of ADD contained by adults. Maybe you should figure out if you hold other ADD symptoms and address it that way. If you dont, next you are probably just a conventional person who is still attracted to their mate! ( you never specify if you are M or F...but I am thinking M )

Oh yeah...we do get kids and the passion and romance does not dwindle out of every relationship.I consistency sorry for people who suppose thats what true love and marriage is and I can with the sole purpose assume those people own not found their Soul Mate.
I heard it's 3 times a week From what I own gathered from adjectives my friends (I'm not currently married), is 2-3 times a week is the average most.
Depends on if they are happy or not. Probably also depends on how long they've be married. sex and married?? you must be single lol sex and being married who comes up beside this stuff? lol thanks for the screech
If you're married to an englishman, I hear it's once or twice a year. 2-3 times a week is the general number. In one class I took here was a poll for that.
im not married but i would do it at most minuscule 5x's a week but mostly as much as possible well i dont know myself but my parents communicate me every time they have sex and it's virtually every light of day of the week! when they have sex I put on my earpiece full blast and hope for it all to be over soon! If you enjoy kids not tell them when you hold sex!!
I would imagine that, during the first three, four or five years, it is pretty regular. Likely day after day or every other day.

Then, lamentably, the passion, romance and desire seem to fade a tad, and the frequency dwindles. Likely once or twice a week. Very sad.
It depends, everyone is maxim once or twice a week, think roughly 60+ year olds. Do u really think they are doing it that much? I would guess couples surrounded by their 20's and 30's without kids probably atleast once a daylight, but once you have kids your aspect of life dwindles because you do not enjoy the time to do the things in energy that are enjoyable. It adjectives depends on the people.

My husband and I hold sex three times a week but that's because he works on base 5 hours away and individual comes home on the weekend.

My bestfriend and her husband have sex almost once or twice a month.

Another friend of mine who's married has sex going on for once a week.
It used to be every night, (when we be first married,) but it tapered stale to about twice a month immediately, also kids are a great form of birth control

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