Hairy Nipples?

Do any of you ladies have downy nipples? How does it make you grain about yourself (shamed out etc)? How do you win rid of them? Do they ever go away? Is within anything you can take to find rid of them?

Plizz tell me,Do you dance see a -Psychologist or have you? What for? N at what age?

certainly, my daughter read an article,in a magazine, that this could be a result of have a hormone imbalance! my daughter, and i, both suffer from this,also, and,even though i never really thought more or less it much, {even though it did bother me}, i'm glad she showed me the article! it's probably just a thing of treating the hormone imbalance by pills, or something,i don't know! anyway, now you enjoy helped me regard as about this again,so i can go and get my butt{ and, my daughter's}, to the doctor!! you should go see one,too! hope i enjoy helped!!

Can you still carry preqnant even if you wear a condom?

I can't relate to the question...Do you show like super bushy, or light?

How lots times a day should I masterbate?

Shave the pelt off, merely like you do near all other unwanted body quill.

How do women fake orgasms?

im pretty sure its average...its no big you shouldnt be ashamed you are what you are. Look online for solutions if you want it gone or talk near your doc. Good luck

dont listen to andee you might cut part of ur nipple which would exterminate.

What is your favorite perfume? what scent do you like on a guy?

Never see? I have a friend who have small soft hairs contained by cleavage area and they look sexy.

Pre Menstrual Tension.?

u might wanna pluck them..

Period assist?

just wax it

Switching Birth Control Pills? Questions?

its not common, but its not odd either.
dont verbs about them, if you want to get hold of rid of them, do so as you would anything else. personally, i dont recommend shaving them, but not because you'd cut your nipple, i of late think plucking would be better- it sounds resembling there are just a few.

but dont worry more or less it, this isnt that uncommon.

If you enjoy PCOS, do you have any successful bulk loss stories? what worked for you? how much did you lose?

pluck them or wax them

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