What does blood surrounded by stools plan? is it serious it be closely of blood?

Answers:    If it was fresh blood it could possibly own been a fissure or slash. Dark blood is usually a sign of stomach or bowel problems.
It is still worth getting it checked out with your doctor.
se your gp you might hold bowel cancer or something not as bad it manner its time to visit a doctor.
they will minister to you out and advise you what it is or what bustle to take

fitting luck
Piles is the main incentive of blood in your stools. My boyfriend have a lot of regular blood and be refered to the hospital to have it investigated lately in baggage it was anything serious, but he suffers from haemarroids and have to have them tied past its sell-by date. A little bit of indignity for peace of mind.

Go see your doctor, it is always worth getting it checked out.
It can be serious. You should see a doctor. It may freshly be hemorrhoids. Even if it is hemorrhoids, you still need to enjoy them checked out, especially if they are bleeding heavily because you may need to own them cauterized or surgically removed. Blood appearing in the stools can come from a few sources- all of which have need of treatment. Blood is meant to stay inside you!

It could be something simple close to hemarrhoids, or a fistula (tear)
It could be a polyp (little outgrowth)
It could be Inflammatory bowel disease like Chron's
It could be cancer

Please travel see your doctor to arrange for a flexible colonoscopy. Tube up your bottom to see what's going on. Go tomorrow if not today!
try not to frenzy, it could be that you have piles and they enjoy been bleeding BUT, to be on the protected side go and see a doctor and draw from checked out. Poor you , you must be very worried.

Blood surrounded by stools = urgent attention!!

It could be 2 things ...you have piles inside you rectum that hold burst when you last go to the loo. This is very treatable and nil to worry roughly.

Secondly it can be a warning of colon cancer. Go to your GP tomorrow!! If piles is ruled out It will miserable having a colonscopy to check for tumours... but don't be shy ... us doctors know you are shy in the order of that bit of your body ...but we most care going on for you having a sucessful outcome and living long and decent!!

Best wishes xx
Don't worry yourself nearly this, as the most common signs of blood contained by the stools are piles or Haemorrhoid's is the technical cross for them. But consult your doctor as soon as you can and get checked out. If it is piles, afterwards an application of cream at regular intervals should keep them underneath control. Bye, Bye. You have an internal bleed, see a Doctor A.S.A.P.
if you are not constipated, it your kidney,prob kidney stones..could also be kidney infection

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